Issue - meetings

Fleet Strategy 2023 - 30

Meeting: 12/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 111)

111 Fleet Strategy 2023 - 30

*                 To consider a report from the Chief Executive.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Caroline Thomas, Cabinet Member for Transport, Street Scene, and Flooding presented a report which provided detail about the Fleet Strategy 2023 to 2030.


Cllr Thomas explained that the Strategy gives a clear road map for capital investment, vehicle replacement, revenue funding and climate outcomes. It details how the management of the fleet will ensure the Council is a high performing organisation, recognises effort by monitoring outcomes with rewards for achievement, focusses operations on making a difference by maximising the use of resources to deliver the best outcomes Wiltshire communities and the environment, and underpins the move to sustainable business travel with the Council committed to working towards zero carbon emissions by 2030 with the fleet playing a major role in achieving this.


Cllr Thomas commented on the engagement with the Energy Savings Trust to establish a baseline and outcomes for the new strategy, which were reviewed by an officer group to include in the new strategy. It was noted that capital funding was approved for the delivery of the Strategy’s vehicle replacement programme, however, any additional vehicles would need capital/revenue bid(s) to be made at the time and the replacement costing built into the financial plan if required. In addition to the Strategy identifying how the Council manages its owned fleet it also considers other associated Council travel, such as contractor and Grey Fleet (personal vehicles) travel.


Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Cabinet Member for Public Health, Leisure, Libraries, Facilities Management and Operation Assets welcomed the Strategy and recognised that the current fleet was due for replacement. He also noted the many different types of vehicles in the current fleet.


The Leader thanked officers for a very detailed report and for taking into account the many and varied type of vehicles in the Council fleet.


Cllr Gordon King, Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, agreed that the fleet needed to be renewed, he asked about the use of sustainable fuels and the future revenue costs. Cllr Thomas and the Leader explained that the Council’s desire is for a fully electric fleet with a rolling replacement programme whilst monitoring the use of alternative fuels. The report detailed the capital and revenue position, and Cabinet members were confident that revenue costs would be achievable especially as a reviews were being built into the process.


Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Chair of the Environment Select Committee, reported that the Select Committee considered the Strategy at their meeting on 7 November 2023. They welcomed the Strategy and comments were made about the use of methane to power vehicles, reduction in the baseline number of vehicles and the launch of Demand Responsive Transport Project. The Select Committee asked for an update on the delivery of the Strategy in November 2024.


Cllr Dr Brian Mathew also commented on the potential use of methane to power fleet vehicles and suggestions from Wiltshire Climate Alliance about the use of cargo bikes. It was noted that the use of methane was currently outside of the scope of the Strategy although, as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 111