Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:


·       Pewsey Community Area Partnership

·       Health

·       Health & Wellbeing

·       Youth

·       Parish Councils



Written Updates

The Board is asked to note the following written and online updates attached to the agenda:


·       Neighbourhood Policing Team – including a road safety update

·       Age UK Update


The Area Board received updates from Partners and community organisations as detailed below:


·       Pewsey Community Area Partnership (PCAP)

The Area Board received an update from the PCAP representatives, Colin Gale, Dawn Wilson and Susie Brew as follows:


Colin Gale – Buses and Trains:

·       The DRT had been doing well and there had been some promotions such as £1 fares on Saturdays, which had taken place several times.

·       Regarding the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) - Wiltshire Council had been awarded £2.1m per annum for the next 2 years, with a condition of the funding award that the bus service could not be reduced during the period.

·       It was updated that unfortunately Pewsey station had been ranked as the bottom GWR station, therefore Colin had contacted Mark Hopwood (GWR Chief Executive) to question what would be done about this, with an invitation provided to attend the GWR stakeholders conference on 24 June 2024.

·       An update was provided on how there would potentially be changes to rail service in Pewsey from 2029, however this would rely on the 4th platform at Westbury.

·       A survey had taken place amongst parishes in Pewsey to look at potholes with a meeting held with Leader of the Council, Cllr Richard Clewer, where Cllr Oatway QPM showed some of the roads. These roads had since been repaired, however further repairs had since been needed due to freight.


Susie Brew – Pewsey Vale Tourism Partnership:

·       A bike repair stand had been installed in Pewsey with thanks given to the Area Board.

·       Concern was voiced about not having a local visitor partnership in Wiltshire, with Pewsey Vale Tourism Partnership doing anything they can to help Visit Wiltshire achieve a status so that they do not miss out on funding.

·       The partnership was still awaiting training on the Wiltshire Council app designed for heritage walks.

·       The partnership would be 10 years old in September and would likely have an event to celebrate.


Dawn Wilson:

·       Home Start are aware of the work of Spurgeon’s and aware working to support children from ages 0-5.

·       Pewsey Community Area Partnership youth coaching is going well., with a group of volunteers as well as two sports coaches who had been funded by Area Board grant funding. A success story has been that one child who has behavioural issues has been introduced into a local football team.

·       The opening of the Pewsey Pump Track was successful and was opened by British BMX champion Amelie Eaton, who provided some demonstrations.

·       The Pewsey Vale Memory Café celebrated 10 years of running and recently had a boat trip which made good use of the Connect Bus.

·       There hasn’t been a Health and Wellbeing meeting for some time with the group looking for a new direction.

·       PCAP has been set up as a voucher provider by Wiltshire Council and can now provide both electronic and paper vouchers to support referred families in need in Pewsey.

·       PCAP has also successfully received a small grant from the Wiltshire Community Foundation for the same project, which will allow such things as white goods to be supplied, with a deadline of 30 September 2024.


After the update, there was time for the following questions and points to be made:

·       Cllr Oatway QPM stated that he was working with Marlborough Town Council and Marlborough Area Board regarding concerns of the A338 corridor.


·       Health and Wellbeing

The Chairman noted that at the September meeting of the Area Board, local surgeries would be attending.


·       Parish Councils

The Area Board received a written update from Shalbourne Parish Council, which included:

·       Tribute was paid to a Wiltshire Council Planning Officer who when Shalbourne’s local pub had been closed and up for sale, they had declared the pub as a community asset in record time.

·       Carvers Hill Estate Winery is now open with tours to start at the end of summer.

·       Reference was made to the Memory Choir who hold sessions in Hungerford.


·       Wiltshire Police

The Area Board noted written updates attached to the agenda. In addition, Inspector Ben Huggins provided a verbal update which covered the following points:

·       Statistics for April and May were provided, with it noted that Pewsey was a very safe area compared to others and that there had been 63 crimes and 100 reported incidents in the past two months, which was a 1/3 drop on previous years.

·       It was noted that violence against the person remained the largest type of crime with it noted that these incidents were largely private space incidents.

·       Reference was also drawn to a spate of thefts which had particularly involved construction vehicles being targeted for tools.

·       An overview of the recent activity conducted by the Police was provided including Op Sceptre, which was a knife prevention operation.

·       Reference was drawn to the local priorities and updates which had been included within the written report.


After the update, there was time for the following questions and points to be made:

·       It was questioned regarding visibility how often PC’s walk the streets of Pewsey, to which clarity was provided that this is infrequent as the reality is that modern policing is based on threat, harm and risk with a focus on hotspots to maximise resources.

·       Over the last 6 years the Police and Crime Commissioner has wanted more money to increase the number of Police Officers in Wiltshire, but this doesn’t seem to be the case. To which clarity was provided that such investment would be welcomed and that it was hoped that the situation would improve with Wiltshire Police recently taken out of Engage. The change of crime to online crimes has also caused a need to divert resources.

·       Clarity was provided that online fraud was classed as a theft offence and therefore was included within that respective statistic.

·       It was stated that there was surprise with the number of drug related offences being low, with county lines and rural communities often referenced. Inspector Huggins explained how the Police are often reliant upon intelligence and that there is potentially more drug activity taking place however the Police need information to act upon this.

·       Further detail was provided on burglaries with it noted that 2 out of the 4 burglaries had been empty dwellings and then the other incidents included 2 non-dwellings such as sheds and outbuildings.

·       Feedback was provided in relation to Community Speed watch data that it would be more valuable for data to be more recent rather than being displayed over a 4-year period.

·       Detail was also provided on how the Police make use of neighbouring officers to borrow resource to complete such tasks as speed checks.


·       Age UK

The Area Board noted a written update attached to the agenda.

Supporting documents: