Agenda item

Open Floor - including updates from Partners and Town/Parish Councils

Open floor session with updates from partners, parishes and free flow discussion.


Verbal Updates

To receive any verbal updates from representatives, including:

·       Wiltshire Police – Inspector Ricky Lee

·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (DWFRS) – Warren Hathaway

·       Town and Parish Councils




The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town/Parish Councils and other Partners, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.


Verbal updates


Wiltshire Police – Inspector Ricky Lee

In addition to the written report in the pack, Inspector Lee gave an update which included:

·       A new management scheme led by the Chief Constable had been rolled out.

·       The 101-call service was now answering within the timescales of government guidance times

·       A new police model was in operation with more officers on shift at one time.

·       The force remained under significant demand as a public service.

·       Work included managing the challenges of the developing Stonehenge tunnel.

·       A change in traffic movements due to the A360 diversion, but we have been advised that work was still on track for mid July.

·       A current scam involved courier fraud, where people purporting to be police officers or other officials were making contact with people to ask for information which they then used in a scam. People were urged to  be mindful when receiving messages they were not expecting when asked for personal or financial information.




There had been an increase in extended stopovers by the travelling community around the community area lately.  Could the process for moving them on be sped up?

Answer: Unauthorised site use by the travelling community could be frustrating, with increased reports in criminality around these locations. However, there were limits to what was possible, the Police were as robust with the process of removal as was achievable. Target hardening was a successful method in prevention. 


There had been some local concerns regarding some new shops that only accepted cash and had only non-English speaking staff. Could the Police check those businesses to make sure there was nothing untoward going on in terms of trafficking etc.

Answer: We do regular engagement with the people trafficking units and carry out spot checks on sites where there was evidence of trafficking.


Cllr Devendran thanked Inspector Lee for the recent work on Amesbury car park which had effectively resolved an issue.


In other countries they had a secret hand signal which people could use if they were in danger due to trafficking, to alert others they need help. Was there a similar scheme in the UK?

Answer: I am not aware of any schemes. I will take that back.


At the last meeting I raised concerns regarding ASB towards volunteers and members of our youth groups. I want to thank you for your efforts, and we have seen positive results.

Answer: We are a small force in a large geographical county, we do our best to cover it all.


The report in the agenda provides links to data which covers part of our community area but not all of it.

Answer: Unfortunately, the community areas of Wiltshire Council do not align with the policing team areas of Wiltshire Police.


MOD Boscombe Down – Sgt Jim Smith

Sgt Smith introduced himself as the new MOD community representative for Boscombe Down. His job was to engage and interact between the MOD community and the civilian community.


Town and Parish Council Updates:


Thanks to the grant previously awarded by the Board to purchase a new laptop, the production of a Village Newsletter had been successful. A few copies had been circulated at the meeting for people to take away.


Downton TC was supporting the ‘Hustings’ event on 27 June at 7pm at Durrington Village Hall, which would offer people the chance to ask questions of 5 of the 6 party candidates. If you wish to submit questions in advance of the event, please send to


Supporting documents: