Agenda item

Final Report of the Special Schools & Post-16 SEN Task Group

A report presenting the Final Report of the Special Schools and Post-16 SEN Task Group for endorsement and referral to the Executive will be circulated.


The Task Group began its work in May 2011 and during the review met formally on five occasions, visited Wiltshire’s six special schools and Studley Green Resource Base (or Specialist Learning Centre) in Trowbridge. It is chaired by Cllr Graham Payne.


The Task Group’s recommendations focus on the following themes:


·         Projecting and meeting future demand for SEN provision

·         Healthcare in Wiltshire’s special schools

·         Capacities, facilities and accessibility at Wiltshire special schools

·         Post-16 education for pupils with SEN

·         Residential care for children with SLD in Wiltshire


The Committee is asked to endorse the report of the Task Group and refer it to the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and other parties where appropriate for response.


The Committee received the final report of the Special Schools and Post-16 Task Group.


Members were reminded that the Task Group had been established by the Children’s Services Select Committee in September 2010 with the following terms of reference:-


a)           To establish the strengths and weaknesses of current special school and post-16 SEN provision in Wiltshire, taking into account the views of service users, parents and other stakeholder groups; 


b)           To consider examples of best practice in special school and post-16 provision in Wiltshire and other authority areas;


c)            To make recommendations with respect to how special schools and post-16 SEN provision can be developed to ensure improved outcomes for Wiltshire residents with SEN.


Cllr Graham Payne, as Chairman of the Task Group, introduced the report and explained that the Task Group had concluded early on in its work that its terms of reference were very broad and could potentially encompass a huge area of work.  It had agreed that it would be more productive to focus on particular areas of concern or interest as they arose through the Task Group’s evidence gathering, starting with the physical condition and capacities of the six special schools. 


The Task Group had visited each of these six special schools in Wiltshire and also Studley Green Special Learning Centre for Complex Needs and Speech & Language, this resource centre being attached to Studley Green Primary School, Trowbridge.  During these visits further issues were highlighted which subsequently became part of the Task Group’s review and recommendations, as set out on pages 15-17 of the Task Group’s report.


During the following discussion the following points were made:-


·                Concern was expressed that disabled access, in particular wheelchair access, was not available in some areas of certain special schools.  It was suggested that discussions take place with Wiltshire College regarding this provision.


·                Cllr Tony Trotman, a member of the Task Group, stated that during the visits made the dedication of the staff had been very noticeable as had been the support and help given to them by parents and families.


·                Ms Di Dale, Principal of Wiltshire College, reported that the College had not yet been visited by the Task Group and extended an invitation to the Task Group members to examine the quality of its SEN provision.  She pointed out that the report’s reference in para. 49 to financial difficulties encountered by the College was incorrect.  She explained that Central Government had reduced the College’s funding but this had not led to financial difficulties.


·                Some concern was expressed about the level and funding of healthcare provision in Wiltshire’s special schools, particularly at the three Severe Learning Disability schools at Exeter House in Salisbury, Larkrise School in Trowbridge and St Nicholas School in Chippenham.  Concern was also expressed about the weight of responsibility this placed upon school staff and the potential risk it could pose to children’s health and safety.


·                Evidence had been received by the Task Group that some local authorities had a funding matrix whereby local health bodies contributed some funding for in-school nursing provision and the question was raised as to why there was not a similar agreement in Wiltshire.  In response, the Service Director, Commissioning & Performance stated that certainly in Bristol this funding arrangement related to a very small number of children.


After further discussion,




(1)       To endorse the final report and recommendations of the Special Schools and Post-16 SEN Task Group, subject to an amendment in paragraph 49 so that it reads, “the Task Group is aware from recent reports in the local media that Wiltshire College’s funding from Central Government has been reduced”.


(2)       To request a response from the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and other parties where appropriate to be received at the Committee’s next meeting.


(3)       That following the receipt of the responses, the Task Group reconvenes to undertake further work, to include:-


·                a visit to Wiltshire College’s provision for post-16 learners with SEN.


·                consideration of the identification of Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties (BSED) in primary school aged children.


·                an investigation to identify out of County resources being used by Wiltshire.


·                an examination of mainstream schools to identify the level of SEN provision they make.  

Supporting documents: