Meeting attendance

Tuesday 3 June 2014 10.30 am, Children's Select Committee

Please note that attending Committee meetings is only one part of a Councillor’s role, and some Councillors also serve on other authorities such as Town and Parish Councils, or Police/Fire/National Park authorities, which can sometimes result in meeting clashes. In some instances, reasons have been given for why Councillors have not attended meetings. Please also note that there may be minor (i.e. <1%) discrepancies in statistics prior to October 2012 due to inconsistencies in how the data was recorded.

Venue:   Kennet Room - County Hall, Trowbridge BA14 8JN

Contact:    Roger Bishton

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Cllr Pat Aves Committee Member Present
Mr Ken Brough Non-elected, voting Present
Miss Sarah Busby Non-elected, non-voting Apologies (Business duties)
Cllr Mary Champion Committee Member Present
Miss Tracy Cornelius Non-elected, non-voting Present
Lynda Cox Officer Expected
Julia Cramp Officer Expected
Cllr Christine Crisp Committee Member Present
Mrs Di Dale Non-elected, non-voting Expected
Joan Davis Officer Expected
Carol Coward Officer Expected
Cllr Stewart Dobson Substitute Present as substitute
Cllr Mary Douglas Committee Member Apologies, sent representative (Business duties)
Cllr Sue Evans Committee Member Present
Ian Gibbons Officer Expected
Teresa Goddard Officer Expected
Carolyn Godfrey Officer Expected
Damian Haasjes Officer Expected
Mr John Hawkins Non-elected, non-voting Present
Cllr Jon Hubbard Chairman Present
Cllr Chris Hurst Committee Member Apologies
Cllr Simon Jacobs Committee Member Present
Kaylum House Non-elected, non-voting Apologies
Paul Kelly Officer Expected
Rev Alice Kemp Non-elected, voting Apologies (On leave)
Cllr Simon Killane Guest Part I In attendance
Cllr Jacqui Lay Vice-Chairman Present
Cllr Alan MacRae County Councillor Apologies
Cllr Laura Mayes County Councillor In attendance
Maggie McDonald Officer Expected
Cllr Bill Moss Committee Member Apologies
Mal Munday Officer Expected
Cllr Helen Osborn Committee Member Present
Henry Powell Officer Expected
Cllr Ricky Rogers Committee Member Apologies, sent representative
Jane Shuttleworth Officer Expected
Mrs Lynne Swainston Non-elected, voting Present
Dr Mike Thompson Non-elected, voting Apologies
Cllr Philip Whalley Committee Member Present
Cllr Roy While Guest Part I Expected