Issue - meetings

Annual Audit Letter 2009/10

Meeting: 25/01/2011 - Cabinet (Item 185)

185 Annual Audit Letter 2009/10

Report of the Chief Executive is circulated.



Supporting documents:


The Leader presented the Annual Audit Letter from the Council’s external auditors, KPMG. The Letter summarised the key issues arising from the 2009/10 audit of the Council. The audit had been carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Audit Commission’s Code of Practice which required KPMG to review and report on the use of resources and on the annual accounts. Cabinet’s attention was drawn to a summary on these key areas.


An unqualified value for money conclusion had been made with KPMG being satisfied that proper arrangements were in place for securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the Council’s use of resources. An unqualified opinion was also given on the annual accounts with KPMG being satisfied that they gave a true and fair picture of the Council’s financial position.


KPMG acknowledged the difficulties of introducing and embedding a new financial system (SAP)  but noted that the control and operational issues needed to address them  were now in place and were much improved from earlier in the year.  KPMG was satisfied that the Council had made good progress in addressing recommendations made during the interim audit.


The covering report included the Chief Executive’s response to the Letter in which he explained he was pleased with the positive report and feedback from KPMG. He also stated that it was reassuring to get an impartial view that the Council had made significant improvements and was heading in the right direction and referred to the significant challenges the Council was facing.


The Letter had also been considered by the Standards and Audit Committees in the context of their respective own work programmes and interest. Relevant extracts from the minutes of those meetings presented to Cabinet.


The Leader emphasised that this was a very positive audit especially in the context that this was in respect of the first year of the Council following transition to a unitary authority.


Cllr Jeff Osborn, Chairman of the Organisation and Resources Select Committee drew Councillors’ attention that the Select Committee and Audit Committee had arranged a Seminar for Councillors to update them on the SAP system. The Seminar would be held on 16 February 2011 at 9.30am.




That Cabinet welcomes the Annual Audit Letter and asks the Chief

Executive to review any outstanding recommendations covered by the Letter and include them in the Council’s business planning processes.