Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/01/2010 - Strategic Planning Committee (Item 8)

8 Amesbury: Proposed Decommissioning of Existing Visitor Facilities and a Section of the A344; the Erection of a New Visitor Centre, Car Park, Coach Park and Ancillary Services Buildings; and Related Highways and Landscaping Works, for English Heritage (Application No. S/2009/1527).

A report by the Case Officer is attached.

Supporting documents:


The Committee received a presentation by the Case Officer which set out the main issues in respect of the application. 


The Committee then received statements from the following members of the public expressing their views regarding this planning application to which the Chairman responded:


The following peoplespoke against the proposal

Mrs Kate Freeman on behalf of South West Friends of the Earth

A statement from Mrs Jenny Raggett of Campaign for Better Transport read out in her absence by Mrs Kate Freeman 

Mrs Kate Fielden, Hon Secretary of The Stonehenge Alliance


The following people spoke in favour of the proposal

Mr Simon Thurley, Chief Executive of English Heritage – the applicant

Mr Stephen Quinlan of Denton Corker Marshall – project architect

Mr Chris Blandford of Chris Blandford Associates – the applicant’s agent



The Committee also received:


(a)       a statement from Mr Peter Wicks, Campaign for the Protection of Rural England


(b)       a statement from Cllr John Noeken, a local Councillor


(c)        a schedule of late representations, including a letter from Earth Rights Solicitors, acting for the Stonehenge Alliance


The Committee then considered the detail of a report by the Service Director, Development and received further associated highway and transport information from the Head of Service, Transport Development. 


After discussion,


Resolved:   To delegate to the Service Director, Development Services to grant planning permission:-


(a)       Subject to legal advice that the legal issues raised by the legal representatives of the Stonehenge Alliance and any associated procedural matters arising from that consideration have been satisfactorily addressed.


(b)       Subject to the prior completion of the Section 106 legal agreement by all relevant parties to provide:-


1.The construction of a new roundabout at Airmans corner along with lighting drainage and signage.

2.A Travel plan

3.Road traffic and Highway Orders

4.The provision of a tourist information display area within the visitor centre

5.Free access to local people to the stones

6.A Scheme for Movement of the Airmans Cross monument and its ongoing maintenance and a scheme to move and reinstate the milestone adjacent the crossroads.

7 A requirement for using the stopped up part of the A344 for pedestrians and cyclists.

For the following reasons:-

            1. To ensure that there is adequate highway capacity to deal with the increased traffic at Airmans Corner as a result of moving the visitor centre and closing of the A344.

            2. To ensure that sustainable methods of transport are developed and maintained to the visitor centre in order to reduce individual car borne journeys.

            3. In order to ensure that the highway improvements and alterations proposed as part of this development are carried out and in accordance with the relevant highway legislation.

            4. To ensure that the Stonehenge ‘gateway’ is used to promote other destinations within Wiltshire and to promote tourism which will benefit the local economy.

            5. At present local people within surrounding villages have free access to the stones this requirement therefore is to ensure that, such free access continues and that locals are  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8