Issue - meetings

Capital Monitoring Report

Meeting: 10/09/2012 - Cabinet Capital Assets Committee (Item 49)

49 Capital Monitoring Report 2012/13 month 4

To consider the attached report of the Chief Finance Officer.


Supporting documents:


The Chief Financial Officer introduced the report which reflected the position of the 2012/2013 Capital Programme as at 31 July 2012.


The report also detailed changes to the budget made since the previous monitoring reports.


The Leader requested a briefing note for Councillors on the position of Academies negotiating any capital loans in the future, and what the Council’s role might be.




That the Cabinet (Capital Assets) Committee:


a.    Notes the budget movements undertaken to the capital programme in Appendix A, including reprogramming of expenditure into 2013/2014.

b.    Notes total budget increases of £3.203 million as shown in Appendix B.

c.    Notes the current spend against the budget to date in Appendix A.


Reasons for Decision


To inform Cabinet of the current position of the 2012/2013 capital programme and highlight changes and note budget reprogramming into 2013/2014.