Issue - meetings

2014 Staff Survey Results

Meeting: 17/03/2015 - Cabinet (Item 32)

32 2014 Staff Survey Results

Report by Carolyn Godfrey, Maggie Rae and Dr Carlton Brand, Corporate Directors.


Supporting documents:


Councillor Stuart Wheeler presented a report which sought to provide Cabinet with an overview of the 2014 staff survey results, highlighting key messages and priorities arising.


In the course of the presentation and the discussion, the issues discussed included: the high response rate to the survey; that response, overall, was positive; what actions the Council could take to address less positive areas; and that work would be ongoing to improve the appraisal process.


Councillor Jon Hubbard agreed that the results were very positive but highlighted a couple of less positive areas which he considered needed addressing.




To note the content of the corporate staff survey report and priorities arising.


Reasons for Decision:


Cabinet have requested to be kept updated regarding staff survey outcomes  and trends, particularly regarding staff engagement, recognising that the ability to deliver business plan outcome relies on having an engaged workforce.