Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday 12 October 2021 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Stuart Figini  Email:


No. Item



Additional documents:


Apologies were received from Cllr Nick Botterill.



Minutes of the previous meeting

To confirm and sign the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 14 September 2021, previously circulated.


Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2021 were presented.




To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2021.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interest.



Leader's announcements

Additional documents:


There were no Leader announcements.



Public participation and Questions from Councillors

The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public. This meeting is open to the public, who may ask a question or make a statement. Questions may also be asked by members of the Council.  Written notice of questions or statements should be given to Democratic Services at 718221 by 12.00 noon on 6 October 2021.


Anyone wishing to ask a question or make a statement should contact the officer named above.


Supporting documents:


Statements and questions were submitted from the following members of public:


  • Craig Kirk – Station Road Traffic Lights, Chippenham
  • Mary Parsons – Station Road Traffic Lights, Chippenham
  • J Reed – Station Road Traffic Lights, Chippenham
  • Duncan Maclean – Station Road Traffic Lights, Chippenham
  • Mel Boyle – Station Road Traffic Lights, Chippenham / Future Chippenham
  • Dr Jimmy Walker – Salisbury Central Area Framework
  • Fiona Gout – Station Road Traffic Lights, Chippenham


Cllr Clewer, Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for MCI, Economic Development, Heritage, Arts, Tourism and Health & Wellbeing explained that the above questions had received written responses which were published on the Council’s website prior to the meeting in the agenda supplement, which can be accessed here.


Further public statements were submitted from Colin Gale in relation to agenda item 6 – Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy and agenda item 7 – National Bus Strategy. The statements were received at this stage of the meeting and the Leader thanked Mr Gale for his contributions.


In addition to the above public questions, a number of questions and comments were received from:


·       Cllr Ian Thorn

o   Business Planning process

o   Council agenda

·       Cllr David Vigar – Decarbonisation Grants

·       Cllr Gavin Grant – Update on Covid recovery discussions with market towns


The above questions and comments received verbal responses at the meeting, which are also available on the recording of the meeting here.



Electric Vehicle Charging Strategy

*                 Report of the Chief Executive


Supporting documents:


Cllr Dr Mark McClelland, Cabinet member for Transport, Waste, Street Scene and Flooding presented the report which provided detail about the Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Plan 2021/24 to enable the provision of electric charging across the county.


Cllr Dr McClelland explained that historically the provision of Electric Vehicle Charging Points (EVCPs) on Wiltshire Council land had been funded through grants, with the maintenance managed and funded by the commercial provider. Due to the EVCPs being old technology the parts are no longer available, and the commercial provider is unable to facilitate their repair. The current infrastructure is therefore in need of replacement, and requests have been received from the community for additional EVCPs. There is an opportunity to renew the current infrastructure in the short term and set the foundations for a long-term strategy which will be developed as part of the new Local Transport Plan in 2023.


Cllr Graham Wright, Chair of the Global Warming & Climate Change Task Group confirmed that the Task Group, along with members of the Environment Select Committee, had considered the detail of the report at the Task Groups meeting on 8 October 2021. Cllr Wright informed Cabinet that the Task Group welcomed the report and felt that the Plan would address immediate challenges and help prepare for a more detailed strategy going forward. Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Chair of the Environment Select Committee also welcomed the report and commented on the potential for new build homes to incorporate EV charging points as standard.


Cllr Ian Thorn raised question in relation to the following matters:


·       The expectation that the proportion of electric vehicles on roads by 2030 would reach 30% and the development of the appropriate infrastructure to reflect the likely demand and enshrined in the forthcoming Business Plan. Cllr Dr McClelland confirmed that the Strategy would take into account future statistics in its development and support for the Strategy to be included in the Business Plan. 

·       The importance of the Local Plan in relation to EV charging points in new homes. The Cabinet noted that it was not current Government policy for developers to install EV charging points in new homes, although the Council could encourage this.

·       Development of the Transport Plan and engagement with the private sector. Cllr Dr McClelland confirmed that the Council will undertake appropriate consultation within the confines of national legislation.

·       Concern at the use of 2011 census information to inform the Strategy. Cllr Dr McClelland and the Leader confirmed that checks would be undertaken in relation to the use of more up to date census information.


Cllr Jon Hubbard suggested the use of solar panels to power charging points in Council car parks, social housing to include or the infrastructure to retrofit EV charging points and heat source pumps. Cllr Hubbard was concerned that the majority of residents did not have funds to purchase long range electric vehicles, therefore the infrastructure detailed in the Strategy needed to be in place to provide the necessary public charging points. He also referred  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72.


National Bus Strategy

*                 Report of the Chief Executive



(Note: The appendices for this report are to follow)


Supporting documents:


Cllr Dr Mark McClelland, Cabinet member for Transport, Waste, Street Scene and Flooding presented the report which provided detail about a National Bus Strategy for England, and associated funding, aimed at improving and increasing bus usage.


Cllr Dr McClelland introduced the report and explained that the Strategy for England is a central government policy aimed at improving and increasing bus usage. It required Local Transport Authorities to work in legal partnership with local bus operators to achieve this growth. The report detailed the benefits in growing passenger numbers.


Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Chair of the Environment Select Committee welcomed the report and confirmed that the Select Committee had considered the detail of the report and supported the report’s recommendations at its meeting on 8 October 2021.


Cllr Ian Thorn raised question in relation to the following matters:


·       The variation in fares across the county. Cllr Dr McClelland confirmed that fares would be considered further and suggested that they would be levelled down rather than up.

·       Welcomed the basis of the government grant to encourage the increased use of public transport in rural areas. Cllr Thorn asked for detail of the plans beyond the funding. Cllr Dr McClelland explained that the ambition was for the additional services to become commercially viable during this time.

·       The size of public service vehicles used on new routes to smaller developments. Cllr Dr McClelland confirmed that flexibility would be employed for operation of the new routes.

·       Cllr Dr McClelland confirmed that discussions about the Strategy had taken place with bus companies.


Cllr Gordon King commented on the potential for excessive journey times and suggested this could be an area of further consideration. 


Cllr Jon Hubbard was concerned that the report did not comment on access to education, and he encouraged work with multiple providers for discretionary rates for those in education/training post 16. Cllr Dr McClelland supported these comments and indicated that there was a smaller number of under 25’s currently driving than in previous years.


Cllr Gavin Grant welcomed the positive step forward and supported the comments made during the meeting. He reminded Cabinet that students in the north of the County attended colleges in Cirencester and this would need to be taken into account when considering joined up ticketing. He also raised the issue of the connections between this Strategy and the use of long stay car parks. Cllr Dr McClelland confirmed that he would discuss the comments further with officers.


Cllr Clare Cape spoke about the importance of connectivity with rail stations, and access to the rail station in Chippenham. Cllr Dr McClelland confirmed that investigations were ongoing in relation to Station Hill, Chippenham.


Cllr Tamara Reay asked when the proposed Laywood bus proposal would be introduced considering her responsibility as Air Quality Lead for Devizes. Cllr Dr McClelland confirmed that it would most likely be April 2022 and funded through Section 106 funding rather than funding from central government.


Cllr Tony Jackson welcomed the reinstatement of the half-hourly morning timetable on the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 73.


Wiltshire Council's Housing Board - Annual Report

Report of the Chief Executive


Supporting documents:


Cllr Phil Alford, Cabinet member for Housing, Strategic Assets and Asset Transfer presented the report which provided an update about the activities of Wiltshire Council’s Housing Board between December 2020 and September 2021.


Cllr Alford commented on the main elements of the report which focused on the Board’s key achievements, Key Performance Indicators and changes in the Board’s Terms of Reference.


Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Chair of the Environment Select Committee welcomed the report and confirmed that the Select Committee had considered the detail of the report and supported the report’s recommendations at its meeting on 8 October 2021.


Cllr Gavin Grant commented on the councils successful funding award of £500,000 from the Green Homes Grant for work on 100 properties. He asked if works could be undertaken on additional properties. Cllr Alford and the Leader confirmed that all 100 properties had retrofit assessments undertaken, and that there may be an opportunity to increase this number. Alongside this the infrastructure for EV charging points were being installed.


Cllr Jon Hubbard asked about the installation of EV charging points for residents of social housing where garages are detached from their homes. Cllr Alford confirmed that where possible infrastructure was being installed.


Cllr Clare Cape asked about the feedback received on the Tenancy Satisfaction Survey 2020 and in particular an indication of the response rate. Cllr Alford would provide a written response to this question.




  1. Note this Annual Report.


  1. Agree the proposed changes to the Housing Board’s Terms of Reference as detailed in Appendix A.


Reasons for Decision:

Wiltshire Council’s Housing Board’s Terms of Reference require an Annual Report to be presented to Cabinet and modernising the Housing Board’s terms of reference requires Cabinet agreement.



Urgent Items

Any other items of business, which the Leader agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.

Additional documents:


There were no urgent items.