Agenda and minutes

Melksham Area Board - Wednesday 13 February 2019 7.00 pm

Venue: Melksham United Church

Contact: Kevin Fielding  (Democratic Services Officer)

No. Item


Chairman's Welcome, Introduction and Announcements

Chairman’s Announcements:


·         Polling District and Polling Place Review


·         Special Schools Consultation


·         Children’s Centres Consultation on proposals to develop the community model


·         Market Place consultation recap


Supporting documents:


The Chairman welcomed everybody to the Melksham United Church for the  meeting of the Melksham Area Board.


The following Chairman’s Announcements contained in the agenda pack were noted:


·         Polling District and Polling Place Review


·         Special Schools Consultation


·         Children’s Centres Consultation on proposals to develop the

           community model


·         Market Place consultation recap – now working with the Town Council to move things on.


The Chairman also thanked Rhys Schell for all his hard work as the Melksham Community Engagement Manager and introduced Peter Dunford as the new Melksham Community Engagement Manager.



Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies.



To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 7 November 2018.

Supporting documents:



·         The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 7 November 2018 was confirmed as the correct record.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



Cllr Jon Hubbard – Young Melksham grant funding applications (Chairman of Young Melksham – will not vote on these applications)



Wiltshire Police Update


Inspector James Williams introduced the update that was noted.


Melksham Community Campus update


John Thomson - Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Communities, Campuses, Area Boards and Broadband gave the Campus update.


Points made included:


·         That the Melksham Campus project and site was a challenging one for Wiltshire Council.


·         That the council was required to ensure that it provided a viable solution that protects the significant importance and integrity of Melksham House whilst ensuring affordability.


·         That the project was now some four months behind schedule.



Key Dates


·         Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 March 2019: Host Public Information sessions at Melksham Library.


·         Friday 29 March 2019: Planning documents submitted.


·         31 August 2019: Planning approval given.


Two-stage tender process:


·         Tender published Monday 15 April 2019.


·         Engagement with the preferred contractor in July 2019.


·         The final appointment being made in Dec 2019.


·         The construction programme will be agreed with the main contractor.


·         Construction projected to commence early 2020.


·         Mid 2021 projected completion.



The Chairman thanked Cllr John Thomson for his update and stated that a dedicated web page that was regularly updated by Wiltshire Council would really help to ease Melksham residents frustrations re the campus build.



A350 Farmers Roundabout schedule

Stephen Wilson - Highway Improvement Officer, Wiltshire Council




Stephen Wilson - Highway Improvement Officer, Wiltshire Council and Paul Harvey – Dyer & Butler gave a brief presentation that outlined and updated the A350 Farmers Roundabout highways improvements.


Points made included:


Scope of Works


         Farmers Roundabout - Building new road space and new traffic signals

 - linked with Asda and A365 Bath Road.


         Revised lines & signs to improved use of existing road space.


         Drainage improvements.


         Rebuild of kerb runs / splitters islands.


         Bridge joints at Challeymead Bridge.


         Extend / widen merge taper at Semington Rd Roundabout.


         Extensive resurfacing works.



The Benefits


         Improvement to total throughput of traffic at Farmers Roundabout.


         Reduced queue lengths.


         Improved journey times.


         Improved local access onto Farmers Roundabout from both east and west.


         Enhancement and upgraded infrastructure.



The Current Position


         Funding in place.


         Initial site investigations / surveys completed Spring 2018.


         Detailed design completed Summer 2018.


         Contract documents developed Summer 2018.


         Tender period Sept / Oct 2018.


         Tender assessment Nov 2018.


         Contract mobilisation Dec 2018 / Jan 2019.


         Advanced signage on site 18January 2019.


The Chairman thanked Stephen Wilson and Paul Harvey for their presentation.


Youth Intervention project - Community Foster Care

Community Foster Care will provide an overview of their plan to deliver an intervention project for young people in the Melksham area.



Sasha Hart and Dan Jones - Community Foster Care gave a brief overview of their plans to deliver an intervention project for young people in the Melksham area.


The Melksham Area Board had invited tenders worth up to £10,000.00 to deliver an intervention and support project that looks to work with some of the most vulnerable young people within our community area.


The provider will offer pastoral, out of school, one to one support to young people between the ages of 13 – 19 years in the Melksham community area. The programme will be available to young people who are open to Wiltshire Council’s children’s social care and the provider will also be expected to identify further young people who might be at risk. The provider will work with local partners such as schools, youth activity and service providers, alcohol and substance misuse organisations, Wiltshire Police and Wiltshire Council departments to identify the young people who would be most suitable for referral.


Young people who may be suitable could be those who have had a bereavement in the family, are in the early stages of alcohol or drug misuse or have had a drastic change to school attainment.


There should be a tailored programme of delivery and support for each young person, working closely with the other local partners, which helps them identify social, educational or work based opportunities.


This funding covers approximately 12 months of project delivery, however, subject to criteria, the project duration could be extended to a minimum of 3 years. This would be dependent on the successful organisation accessing funding from third parties, project objectives being met year on year and further funding being available from the Melksham Area Board.


The Chairman thanked Sasha Hart and Dan Jones for their presentation.









National Armed Forces Day

Supporting documents:


The project’s aim was to enable communities from around Wiltshire to engage with and participate in the activities around the National Armed Forces Day event in Salisbury in June 2019 and to request funding from the Melksham Area Board.


It was agreed after a discussion to fund £500 towards travel costs to the event plus a further £250 towards event costs. If any transport funding remains unspent then it should be clawed back.



CCG RUH Maternity Transformation Consultation

Sarah Maclennan - Wiltshire CCG


This presentation was withdrawn - Information leaflets were tabled at the meeting.


Area Board sub groups

Melksham Wellbeing Group Cllr Aves


  • To include any Wellbeing grants



Community Area Transport Group Cllr While


·         To include recommendations to the Area Board



Local Youth Network – Cllr Hubbard


·         To include any youth grants

Supporting documents:


Melksham Wellbeing Group – Cllr Aves


The following recommendations from the Melksham Wellbeing group were noted:


To provide £1,000 worth of support funding to Melksham community meals with the following conditions. They were:


·         A bank account was formally opened by the group

·         The Town Council supported the project

·         The funding only be awarded when the service starts


A further £1,000 was proposed to be awarded from the 2019/2020 budget with the following conditions:


·         Subject to the Wellbeing funding being devolved to the group from Wiltshire Council


·         Subject to 6 months of operation



Health & Wellbeing funding



Melksham Community Meals awarded £1,000 for Melksham Community Meals



Melksham & District Seniors awarded £700 for Community outreach initiative



Community Area Transport Group – Cllr While


The minutes of the Community Area Transport Group meeting dated 7 February 2019 were noted with the following recommendations to the Area Board:


·         To close the following issues: 4975, 5824, 6586, 6587, 6986, 6602 and 6720.


To approve funding for the following issues:


·         6574 - Broughton Gifford, Mill Lane – approve up to £2,200

·         4966 - Seend High Street - crossing facility at Church Walk – approve up to £600.

·         6927 - Steeple Ashton. Acreshort Lane – request for   Playground warning signs – approve up to £200.



Local Youth Network Cllr Hubbard


Youth funding



Young Melksham awarded £1,716 towards the 13 – 18 year old youth work project.

(Note: Cllr Jon Hubbard did not vote on this application)



1st Broughton Gifford and Holt Scouts awarded £850 towards the BGH Scouts Jamboree Fund.


Written Partner Updates

To receive any written updates from the following partners:


·         Community Area Partnership

·         Wiltshire Police

·         Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

·         NHS Wiltshire/Clinical Commissioning Group

·         Healthwatch Wiltshire

·         Melksham Town Council

·         Parish Council Nominated Representatives

·         Melksham Chambers of Commerce

·         Melksham Senior People’s Forum

·         Older Persons Champion

·         Young Melksham

·         Trans Wilts Cic


Supporting documents:


Written updates were received from the following partners:


·         Wiltshire Police

·         NHS Wiltshire/Clinical Commissioning Group

·         Healthwatch Wiltshire

·         Melksham Town Council

·         Seend Parish Council

·         Melksham Senior People’s Forum

·         Melksham Shed


The Chairman thanked all partners for their updates



Grant Funding

The Area Board members are asked to consider applications to the Community Area Grants scheme. Full details of all grant applications are contained in the agenda pack


Supporting documents:


The Area Board members are asked to consider six applications to the Community Area Grants scheme:



The Shed Melksham awarded £1,250 for Melksham Shed Storage Container



Young Melksham awarded £920 for Young Melksham new tables for cafe area

(Note: Cllr Jon Hubbard did not vote on this application)



Melksham Town Council awarded £3,500 for King George V Playing Fields Splashpad



West Wiltshire Group of the Ramblers Association awarded £2,103 for Bowerhill to Seend stile upgrade to kissing gates



1st Broughton Gifford and Holt Scouts awarded £515 for Broughton Gifford Scouts Solar Power Conversion



Keevil Cricket Club requesting £1,059 for Keevil Cricket Club - Ground Equipment

Note: The applicant withdrew this application as he felt that other applications that were being considered were of a more pressing nature. It was agreed that the application would be favourably viewed at a future meeting.


Public questions

Members of the public are invited to ask questions relating to Area

Board business


There were no public questions.


