Venue: Council Chamber - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions
Contact: Kieran Elliott Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Supporting documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Steve Oldrieve, Inspector Andy Fee, Phil Peaple from the Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, Liam Cripps, Community Engagement Manager, and Mr Colin Kay regarding the Trowbridge Wellbeing Centre Development Group. |
Minutes To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 9 Janaury 2020. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 9 January 2020 were presented for consideration, and it was,
To approve and sign the minutes as a true and correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: Councillors Peter Fuller, David Halik, Stewart Palmen, Andrew Bryant and Edward Kirk declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to grant application 3478 - Longfield Muga Enhancement - by virtue of being members of Trowbridge Town Council. Councillors Fuller, Palmen, Bryant and Kirk confirmed they would consider and vote on the item. Councillor Halik confirmed he would abstain from the vote on the item.
During the meeting Councillor Ernie Clark declared a non-pecuniary interest in relation to grant application 3579 – Community Area Speed Indicator Device – by virtue of membership of Hilperton Parish Council. He confirmed he would consider and vote on the item. |
Chairman's Announcements To include the following:
a) Community Governance Review
Supporting documents: Minutes: The announcement on the ongoing Community Governance Review was received. It was noted a public meeting would be held on 6 May 2020 at County Hall, Trowbridge, at 1900, on the draft recommendations of the Electoral Review Committee.
All present were reminded that at 1800 on 12 March 2020 a community event of the area board would be hosted by The John of Gaunt School in Wingfield Road, Trowbridge. Students and parents would be in attendance to ask questions of elected members, and partners would also attend to speak. The Chairman encouraged members and public present to attend the event if they could. |
Partner Updates To note any updates from the following:
a) Wiltshire Police b) Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service c) Town and Parish Councils d) Local Youth Network e) Trowbridge Wellbeing Centre Development Group (under Economic Development Update)
Supporting documents: Minutes: Updates from partners were received as follows:
i. Wiltshire Police The written update was noted.
ii. Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service The written update was noted. A verbal update was received noting the campaign for on-call recruitment of volunteers, and to direct anyone who was interested to the fire service. It was also stated in relation to a recent fire that specialist alarms were available for those who were hard of hearing. There was also discussion of the flood gates and warning light at Staverton, smoke alarm calls in social housing and blocked drains.
iii. Town and Parish Councils The Board received a statement from the new President of the Chamber of Commerce, Tracy Parker, and her plans to lead on business cooperation and engagement in local issues.
An update in relation to Hilperton Parish Council noted the lack of increase in parish precept, and discussions with Barrett on development within the Hilperton Gap. It was noted that the approved Wiltshire Housing Sites Allocation Plan had increased the level of housing allocated south of Elizabeth Way.
An update in relation to North Bradley drew attention to the referendum on 19 March 2020 of their Neighbourhood Plan and continued concern relating to the Community Governance Review. The parish also supported the grant on the agenda for a speed indicator device by Trowbridge Town Council, as this would be utilised by the parishes around Trowbridge on a pro rata basis.
iv. Trowbridge Wellbeing Centre Development Group The written update was noted, and that the Chair had further met with the Economic Development team ahead of the meeting.
Economic Development Update (Including East Wing) To receive an update on progression of economic development matters within the Community Area. Supporting documents:
Minutes: A presentation was received as attached to these minutes by Rory Bowen, Interim Head of Economic Development, Wiltshire Council. An update was also provided on a review of leisure provision, with officers evaluating the most appropriate solution to enable the swimming pool at Clarendon to reopen in the late summer and looking at longer term leisure options suitable for the town including town centre sites such as East Wing.
In relation to the Future High Streets Fund bid details were provided on development of the business case by the consultants, Inner Circle, and assessment of the existing Masterplan for the town centre. There would be public engagement in May with submission of a full business case by the end of June 2020 with announcement by government of funding expected in the Autumn 2020.
Details were sought by those present including why the business case was seeking between £10-15m not the maximum £25m, and it was explained only the most exceptional of cases would be expected to be able to apply for such an amount, and the draft business plan was looking to be optimistic and achievable. Details were also sought on the funds set aside for consultants, and it was explained £0.150m had been provided by the government for that purpose, with approximately £0.090m spent on Inner Circle and some other aspects of work. Members were provided assurance that the local member for Trowbridge Central would be kept informed of progress in addition to updates to the area board.
The Area Board thanked Mr Bowen for his presentation.
Funding To consider the following grant applications:
Supporting documents:
Minutes: Longfield Muga Enhancement A presentation was received in relation to the Longfield Muga Enhancement application from officers of Trowbridge Town Council, the applicants, as attached to the minutes. The Chairman also reminded Members of previous consideration of the item at previous meetings, and to consider any advice they had received regarding the item. It was stated that the criteria for grants set out that ‘up to £5000 of capital funding (more in exceptional cases’ was available for local community projects. It was stated that there was no further guidance as to what constituted an exceptional case, and therefore it was for Members to determine and if they supported the application and deemed it exceptional or not so as to award the £20,000.00 requested.
During debate, a motion was moved to approve the award of £20.000 to Trowbridge Sports Forum (Trowbridge Town Council) for the Longfield Muga Enhancement by Councillor Peter Fuller, seconded by Councillor Andrew Bryant. It was argued that the Longfield area was one of significant deprivation, with a funding gap at the local school, that other Mugas in the town had been able to receive funds for much needed enhancement through Sports England, and that the local community would continue to suffer problem, and therefore to award the grant amount requested was appropriate in the circumstances.
Comments opposed to the application included supporting the intention behind it but questioning why the Town Council could not provide the funds from its own precept rather than the area board and its high value award to a parish council. The dual hatted nature of several members was noted.
After debate, and upon request of the requisite number of Members, there was a recorded vote as follows:
For the amendment (1) Against the amendment (4) Abstentions (3) Cllr Ernie Clark Cllr Andrew Bryant Cllr David Halik Cllr Peter Fuller Cllr Edward Kirk Cllr Stewart Palmen Cllr Horace Prickett Cllr Jo Trigg
The amendment was therefore lost and debate resumed on the original motion.
For the motion (4) Against the motion (1) Abstentions (3) Cllr Andrew Bryant Cllr Ernie Clark Cllr David Halik Cllr Peter Fuller Cllr Edward Kirk Cllr Stewart Palmen Cllr Horace Prickett Cllr Jo Trigg
It was therefore,
Resolved: That the Area Board award the sum of £20,000.00 to Trowbridge Sports Forum (Trowbridge Town Council) Reason: The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria.
It was also noted that should all grants at the meeting be awarded there was a shortfall of £1896.04 from the 2019/20 budget allocation to the area board, and the Longfield Muga Grant should therefore receive the final £1896.04 in the next financial year.
The sum of £4883.97 was requested for a Community Area Speed ... view the full minutes text for item 18. |
Community Area Transport Group To receive the notes of the CATG, including award of the following issues:
16-19-13 Newtown Pedestrian Crossing and Wesley Road Junction – 20mph assessment - £1666.67 subject to contribution of £833.33 from Trowbridge Town Council.
Issue 4824 – Speeding Westbury Road/Woodmarsh, North Bradley - £5000.00 Supporting documents:
Minutes: The notes from the latest Community Area Transport Group meeting were noted, and on the motion of Councillor Stewart Palmen, seconded by Councillor David Halik, it was,
To award the following amounts:
16-19-13 Newtown Pedestrian Crossing and Wesley Road Junction – 20mph assessment - £1666.67 subject to contribution of £833.33 from Trowbridge Town Council.
Issue 4824 – Speeding Westbury Road/Woodmarsh, North Bradley - £5000.00 |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Minutes: With permission of the Chairman public statements were received regarding ongoing street lighting problems around Cock Hill, and the need for long term enforcement of residents’ parking schemes at Yerbury Street, which it was stated had repeatedly been ignored and not subject to proper enforcement action.
It was stated a response had been received from the relevant Cabinet Members, but local members would look further into these matters and if appropriate consider the matters further at CATG. It was also advised in relation to Yerbury Street for there to be photographic evidence taken of signage put up to communicate in future. |