Venue: Online Meeting
Contact: Kieran Elliott Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2020. Supporting documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 26 November 2020 were presented for consideration, and it was,
To approve and sign the minutes as a true and correct record. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.
Minutes: There were no declarations. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements through the Chair. Supporting documents:
Minutes: Through the Chair there were the following announcements.
1) Future High Streets Fund – Attention was drawn to the announcement on 26 December 2020 of the provisional award of £16.3m of the £23.85m bid that had been made by Wiltshire Council to the Fund.
The following announcements were received in the meeting after Minute 64
2) Healthy Us – The written update on the weight management programme was noted.
3) Census 2021 – The written update on preparations for the 2021 Census was noted.
4) Jubilee Wood Extension – It was noted that Wiltshire West District Scouts had circulated details of its plans to purchase three fields adjacent to their current Jubilee wood site to expand the campsite and area. They would be communicating with the parish council, as well as undertaking fundraising efforts. |
PCC Precept Consultation To receive an update from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. Minutes: Jerry Herbert, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, provided an update on work of the police across the last year, and the consultation on the precept proposal from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Details were provided on the establishment of the new rural crime, increases in recruitment, and investment in cyber-crime investigation and intelligence. It was proposed to increase the precept by 6.9%, equivalent of up to £15 per year for an average Band D household. This would support the recruitment of 46 additional officers, bolster community policing teams as well as maintain other essential services and continuation of delivery of service.
Consultation on the proposal would run from 5 January 2021 to 2 February 2021 at
The Board discussed the update, seeking details of work undertaken by Police Community Support Officers, the cyber-crime teams and work on domestic violence.
In relation to the national lockdown as a result of Covid-19, the Deputy Commissioner stated he the Commissioner were briefed three times per week by the Chief Constable, and that behaviour and compliance was usually very good, though there had been an increase in breaches over the holiday period. Fixed penalty notices were not issued in every circumstance and every notice was reviewed by the Deputy Commissioner, though the national emphasis was increasing on taking enforcement action in respect of breaches of the rules.
The Board thanked the Deputy Commissioner for his update, and asked all those present to publicise the consultation on the precept proposal. |
Partner Updates To note the written reports and receive any updates from the following:
a) Wiltshire Police b) Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service c) Town and Parish Councils d) Local Youth Network e) Trowbridge Wellbeing Centre Development Group
Supporting documents: Minutes: Updates from partners were received as follows:
i. Wiltshire Police Sgt Leighton Williams was in attendance and noted the update on police action for the national lockdown provided by the Deputy Commissioner. Further updates were provided on hotspot areas in the town such as the town park and a rise in use of e-scooters illegally. Four new Police Community Support Officers had joined the local team and it was agreed to provide a list of the new officers.
ii. Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service There was no update
iii. Town and Parish Councils The written update from Trowbridge Town Council was noted. The Chairman thanked the town council on behalf of Hilperton Prish Council for question raised at the recent meeting on 5 December 2020 on spatial planning matters. There was discussion of plans for the town council to offer the Civic Centre free of charge for the use of vaccination roll out.
It was noted from Hilperton that at its most recent meeting it had set its precept.
It was noted from North Bradley that meetings were ongoing, with concerns around upcoming boundary changes, but that dialogue had been undertaken with the Town Clerk. A recent application for a food outlet within the White Horse Business Park had been objected to by the parish, which it hoped would be supported by others.
Further updates were received as follows:
iv. Local Youth Network A webinar had been intended on a Child Friendly Project in Leeds which it was hoped to deliver something similar for Trowbridge, with a meeting with the Child Wellbeing Partnership taking place on 11 January 2021.
v. Trowbridge Wellbeing Centre Development Group It was stated the level of funding and subsequent action from the Future High Street Fund would be relevant to further development of the area, with further updates on that expected at the next meeting.
Applicant: JP
Counselling Amount Requested: £2500.00
Splash (Part of Community First) Amount Requested: £5000.00
Supporting documents:
Minutes: The application from JP Counselling for £2500.00 was deferred to the next meeting.
The application from Splash for the Splash in Trowbridge project seeking £5000.00 was introduced by the applicant. On the motion of Councillor Steve Oldrieve, seconded by Councillor Andrew Bryant, it was,
To award £5000.00 to Splash (Part of Community First) for the Splash in Trowbridge Project.
The application met the community grants criteria. |
Local Plan Review Consultation To receive details of the dates of the Local Plan Review consultation and how people will be able to get involved.
The consultation will run 13 January 2021 until 9 March 2021.
An online event on Planning for the Trowbridge and wider area will take place on 27 January 2021. Minutes: An update was received from Georgina Clampitt-Dix, Head of Spatial Planning on the Local Plan Review consultation, which would run from 13 January 2021 to 9 March 2021.
It was stated that in addition to the Local Plan Review the consultation would include the scope of the Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan Document Plan. These were necessary exercises to update the Local Plan with requirements for new homes and distribution across main settlements and villages. There would also be a focus on how planning policies could be shaped to address climate change.
An online event would be held for the Trowbridge area on 27 January 2021, with events focused on rural events (villages) on 1 and 2 February 2021.
Information for both plans including how to comment would be available 13 January 2021 on Council’s website: local-plan-review-consultation
Other resources to find out more about what the Local Plan consultation involves and how to comment were provided at local-plan-review, email or phone 0300 456 0100.
The Board then discussed the update, requesting any information from Spatial Planning be circulated to all Board Members, and seeking details of the scope of the reviewed plans to include issues of infrastructure planning required for growth. It was confirmed biodiversity was recognised along with climate change as relevant and there were documents for people to comment upon those issues within the plan documentation.
The Board thanked Georgina for the update and urged people to respond to the consultation. |
Urgent items Any other items of business which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency. Supporting documents: Minutes: There were no urgent items. |