Agenda and minutes

Schools Forum - Thursday 12 January 2017 11.00 am

Venue: Kennet Room - County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN. View directions

Contact: Edmund Blick  tel: 01225 718059 or email:

No. Item


Apologies and Changes of Membership

To receive any apologies for absence and note any change of membership.



Apologies were received from Rosemary Collard, John Hamp and Amanda Burnside, who sent David Wragg as substitute.  


Minutes of the previous Meeting

To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6th October 2016(copy attached)

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6th October 2016 were considered.



The minutes were agreed and signed as a true and accurate record by the Chairman.


Declaration of Interests

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


Nigel Roper stated that if Growth Funds were to be discussed, his school would benefit from the scheme, although he said that he would approach discussions with an open mind.


Neil Baker also stated that his school would benefit from Growth Funds but said that he would approach discussions with an open mind.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements from the Chairman.


The Chairman thanked the officers for the quick turnaround in the reports following legislative changes at the start of the year.


He also explained that the agenda was extraordinary, in that the reports would be considered and the decisions would be made at the end, under the decisions report, agenda item 12.


Children and Young People's Trust Board Update

To receive a verbal update from the Associate Director of Commission Perform School Effectiveness and Head of Commissioning and Joint Planning.



There was no relevant update for the Trust Board.


Budget Monitoring

To receive budget monitoring information for the financial year 2016-17.

Supporting documents:


Head of Finance Liz Williams gave an update regarding the Budget Monitoring Report.


Specific attention was drawn towards the £0.585 million projected overspend to the overall Schools Budget. A £1.2 million move in spending within the High Needs budget including top up payments was also highlighted, as an increase from the last Budget Monitoring Report in October 2016.


Members were asked to note the contents of the report



Members noted the Budget Monitoring Report.


National Funding Formula for Schools 2018-19: Phase II Consultation and High Needs funding formula consultation

To consider a report which sets out the headlines from the proposed National Funding Formula, as issued by the Education Funding Agency on the 12th December 2016. 

Supporting documents:


School Strategic Finance Support Manager Grant Davis introduced the report explaining the consultation period and the two- stage process involved, lasting for 14 weeks and ending on 22 March 2017.


The new funding blocks were outlined and attention was drawn towards the new structure of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) to include; Schools Block, High Needs Block, Early Years Block and a new Central Services Block for 2017-18.


The ‘soft’ formula was explained as the approach to be adopted in 2018-19, with a move to the ‘hard’ formula of National Funding for 2019-20.


The table at para 15 of the report for National Funding Formula was highlighted as giving an indicative funding oversight as to the overall position for Wiltshire and how it stands to be impacted by the National Funding Formula.


The indicative movements in funding were explained in the paper which showed a small increase in funding under the National Funding Formula for schools and no increase under the proposed High Needs formula. Concerns were expressed at the impact, particularly, with the High Needs due to issues with historical spend and deprivation of the area.


Questions were asked by members regarding the determination of historical spend and criticism was raised over the fact that the data was based on historical spend.



Members noted the Funding Formula Report.


Reports from Working Groups

To receive minutes, reports and/or verbal updates from the following working groups:


  • Early Years Reference Group meeting on Friday 18th November 2016.
  • School Funding Working Group and Special Educational Needs Working Group meeting on Tuesday 22nd November 2016.

·         School Funding Working Group and Special Educational Needs Working Group meeting on Wednesday 4th January 2017 (this report will be submitted late as a supplementary item to enable the minutes to be finalised).


Supporting documents:


The Head of Finance Liz Williams introduced the Working Group update reports and asked Members to note the updates.



Members noted the update reports from Working Groups.



Exceptional Numbers of Statements (EHCP's) Formula

To consider a report on the options for supporting exceptional levels of SEN in schools.

Supporting documents:


Schools Strategic Finance Support Manager Grant Davis explained the report and the targeting of funding towards schools with High Needs.


Attention was drawn to the tables and figures in the report detailing 6 options considered by the Working Groups, for future funding formulas, at para 9 of the report.


The officer explained that it was proposed to keep the current mechanism unchanged with a capped budget at £100,000 for 2016-17 but for options for future years to be brought to a subsequent for members to consider.



Members agreed to keep funding formula unchanged for 2016-17 and to cap expenditure at £100,000 with funding for 2017-18 onwards to be determined at later meetings.


School Revenue Funding 2017-18 - Funding Settlement and Budget Setting Process

This report will be submitted late to take in to account the Schools Revenue Finance Settlement issued on 20th December 2016 and the discussions at the joint meeting of the Schools Funding Working Group and SEN Working Group on 4th January 2017.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman introduced the Revenue Report, highlighting aspects of significance.


Head of Finance Liz Williams further expanded on the reports, including the clarification of decision making powers, and asked members to note the contents.


A question was asked as to how decisions made by for the High Needs Block would be scrutinised if authority was taken away from Schools Forum. It was clarified that it would be part of the overall budget setting process and would be open to scrutiny via the normal processes, such as, the Overview and Scrutiny teams of the Council.



Members noted the content of the Revenue Funding Report.


Update reports on DSG Funding Block

To give updates on funding for each of the DSG blocks including changes in funding and decisions to be considered. These reports will be submitted  as late  supplementary items to include the considerations of the joint meeting of Schools Funding Working Group and SEN Working Group on 4th January 2017.


Head of Finance Liz Williams gave a brief overview of the update reports.


Members noted the updates from the DSG Funding Block


Schools Block- Central Budgets

Supporting documents:


Head of Finance Liz Williams explained the report which sought to update Members on issues surrounding the Central Budget and identify the decisions that needed to be made as part of the budget setting process.


Attention was drawn to the decisions table outlining Sections A-D that needed approval.


Technical questions were asked Appendix 4, and specifically regarding the data on monies being spent on looked after children.


Members noted the reports and the identification of eligible and ineligible spend.



Determination of this report was deferred until the other reports were heard and for the decisions paper at the end.


Schools Block-Delegated Budget

Supporting documents:


Head of Finance Liz Williams introduced the report, highlighting decisions table at para 11. The options for funding pupil led factors in 2017-18 were indicated in Appendix 1 and technical aspects were explained to the Members.


Technical issues were discussed surround de-delegation of maternity costs and funding for additional school improvement funding as outlined in the operational guidance.


Members were advised that the proposal was that the formula would stay the same for 2017-18. 



Confirmed Lump Sum to remain £85,000 for Primary Schools and £175,000 for secondary schools.


Agreed to retain the quantum for pupil led factors (Deprivation, EAL and Prior Attainment) at 2016-17 levels.  Impact will be small change in funding rates per pupil. It was confirmed that the cost of the minimum funding guarantee would continue to be met through the capping of any gains.


Agreed to de-delegate the budget for maternity costs, as in previous years all other de-delegation decisions made at the October meeting confirming delegation of contingency and SIMS licences but all others to remain as in previous years.


High Needs Block

Supporting documents:


Head of Finance Liz Williams introduced he report and emphasised the need to reduce the pressure on the High Needs Block.


There was a discussion in relation to the use of any funding released from central schools block in order to support pressures in the high needs block.  Questions were asked by Members regarding the allocation of funds and aspects of the report were clarified.



Determination of this report was deferred until the other reports were heard and for the decisions paper at the end.



Early Years Block

Supporting documents:


Head of Finance Liz Williams introduced the reports and explained the proposed Early Years Single Funding Formula, as a simplified formula.


Questions were asked regarding early years pupil premium. There was a discussion about the proposed 98% pass through of the 3 & 4 year old funding and use of early years block funding to support central Local Authority costs in administering the new entitlement.



Determination of this report was deferred until the other reports were heard and for the decisions paper at the end.


Budget 2017- 18: Decision Paper

To be submitted late to take into account the discussions at the joint meeting of the Schools Funding Working Group and the SEN working group on 4th January 2017.


Supporting documents:


As stated by the Chairman in his announcements most of the decisions to be made where deferred until the end of the meeting to be heard in this section.


An updated Decisions Matrix was presented to Members in the meeting. This outlined all the decisions that needed to be deliberated and approved.


The decisions made by Members, based on consideration of the reports and deliberation in the meeting were as follows.


Central Schools Block proposals


1.    To approve Line by Line summary, appendix 1 to Central DSG Report.  Summarised in Proposed Budget summary.

2.    Propose agree eligible expenditure as per table in Appendix 3 Central DSG Report.

3.    To be confirmed - SFWG/SEN Group recommendation to consider impact on moving to high needs block to support top up rates and capacity for change.

4.    Propose Budget for central copyright licences set at £0.346m.

5.    Propose budget for retained ESG duties set at £1.005m as per funding settlement and analysis of costs.

6.    No top slice proposed in initial reports.



1.    Budgets for Admissions, Schools Forum Support, and Infant Class Size payments agreed as per Appendix 1 to the Central Schools Block Report. Budget for Basic Need Element of Growth fund set at £0.9m and agreed virement between basic need and infant class size elements of growth fund if required during the year. Confirmed previous decision not to implement a Falling Rolls Fund in Wiltshire.

2.    After considering eligibility and the evidence presented funding was agreed for the following historic commitments: Support for Personal Education Plans for Looked After Children (£0.233m). Funding for Child Protection Adviser in Schools (£0.041m). Funding for Prudential Borrowing (£0.3m). Funding for ineligible commitments of £1.7m released for reallocation

3.    Agreed to release £1.7m from central schools block for allocation across other funding blocks

4.    Noted LA decision to set budget at £0.346m for central copyright licences to reflect cost of licence notified by the Department for Education

5.    Agreed budget for centrally retained duties to be set at £1.005m

6.    Agreed no funding to be retained centrally from maintained schools to cover former ESG spend


Delegated Schools Block Proposals

1.    Propose retain quantum as per 16-17 for pupil led factors

2.    No proposal brought to Schools forum to dedelegate funding for additional school improvement.



1.    Confirmed Lump Sum to remain £85,000 for Primary Schools and £175,000 for secondary schools. Agreed to retain the quantum for pupil led factors (Deprivation, EAL and Prior Attainment) at 2016-17 levels.  Impact will be small change in funding rates per pupil It was confirmed that the cost of the minimum funding guarantee would continue to be met through the capping of any gains. Agreed to de-delegate the budget for maternity costs, as in previous years all other de-delegation decisions made at the October meeting confirming delegation of contingency and licences but all others to remain as in previous years.

2.    No further de-delegation for additional school improvement costs


High Needs Block Proposals

1.    No change proposed to top up  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16.


Confirmation of dates for future meetings

To confirm the dates of future meetings, as follows:


·         Thursday 9th March 2017

·         Thursday 22nd June 2017

·         Thursday 5th October 2017


The date of the next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 9th March 2017.


Urgent Items

Any other items of business, which the Chairman agrees to consider as a matter of urgency.


There were no urgent items.