Agenda and minutes

Southern Wiltshire Area Board - Thursday 28 January 2021 7.00 pm

Venue: Online Meeting

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)


Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions


The Chairman, Cllr Richard Britton welcomed everyone to the online meeting of the Southern Wiltshire Area Board.





There were none.




To approve and sign as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held online, on Thursday 1st October 2020.

Supporting documents:



The Board approved the minutes of the last meeting held online on 1 October 2020.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



There were none.


Chairman's Announcements

To receive Chairman’s Announcements



There was a slightly unusual agenda for the meeting, in that the grant section was quite full. A larger amount of time had therefore been allocated to that section to allow enough time to give proper consideration to the applications.


To note the written reports and updates in the agenda pack or distributed on the night

·       Wiltshire Council Updates

-        Covid-19 update

-        Local Plan Review & Gypsy & Traveller Consultations

·       Landford Rural Needs Survey

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Clinical Commissioning Group

·       Current consultations

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the written reports and information items detailed in the agenda. These were:


·       Wiltshire Council Updates:

-        Covid-19 update

-        Local Plan Review & Gypsy & Traveller Consultations

·       Landford Rural Needs Survey

·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

·       Clinical Commissioning Group

·       Current consultations:


To note the written reports and updates in the agenda pack or distributed on the night

Community Policing local issues and priorities

In attendance: Inspector Pete Sparrow

Supporting documents:


Community Policing local issues and priorities

Inspector Pete Sparrow updated the Board on crime statistics for the period and current priorities of the local policing teams.


Staffing overview:

There were 4 student officers coming in, which were currently in tutorship and would become independent in February.  There were also 3 extra PCSOs.


Teams were working on strategies that prevent crime and to adopted the mindset of ‘what can I do to stop someone else coming here to deal with the same issue again’.


Local Priorities:

·       Covid patrols – Using the ‘4 E’ approach

·       Rural Crime – prevent/reduce/disrupt/detect, cross border liaison

·       Road Safety  - speed enforcement/CSW

·       ASB  - Downton & Redlynch, closure order checks, youth engagement

·       Vulnerable People – making contact with those identified


Analytical tools help to identify issues. The slide showed all reported crime for Salisbury and southern Wiltshire and specifically the reduction during lockdown one and two.


The Commander control system ‘Storm’ showed incidents of antisocial behaviour, there were 271 incidents recorded in Salisbury over a 3 month period. The majority of the incidents were around Salisbury city.


Whilst there may be some localised clusters, figures showed a lower level of incidents in southern Wiltshire than Salisbury city.




During lockdown had there been an increase in domestic violence?

Answer: We did see a rise during lockdown, some of that was seasonal, but the lockdown did coup people together. The message is to stay home, unless it’s not safe to do so.


The Police had not been going overboard on enforcement, please remember that not everybody that is out there breaking a covid regulation is someone that has done it before. It may be accidental.

Answer: Discretion always played a part of Policing, it’s the people that are regularly breaking the rules that need enforcement.


With regards to the burglary figs, were there any particular trends, or opportunist, and what could be done to take a proactive stance to prevent this?

Answer: The majority would be sheds and outbuildings some vans with tools had also been broken in to. We advise marking valuable tools to make it harder and deter these incidents. The use of signage and CCTV also helped.


There had recently been a lot of reports of dog thefts was that a particular concern?

Answer: That was more noise than actual crime, but there has been an arrest today. Last year there were a total of 22 reports of Dog theft for Wiltshire

This area of crime was not as bad as people think. The prices of animals had gone through the roof, they were an expensive commodity and unfortunately with that, they were worth stealing.


Was the Bobby Van still available to come out and advise?

Answer: Yes it is.


Residents had fed back to Cllr Clewer their concerns regarding criminal damage, rural crime and the police response. Last night, cars severely damages, car burnt out, cattle grid damaged and a phone box destroyed, all what  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.




Presentation about the Census 2021, its importance for Wiltshire and the key target groups.


The Census day will be on March 21, with households across the country receiving letters with online codes allowing them to take part from early March.


Presenter: Jonny Corbett – Census Engagement Manager



Jonny Corbett, Census Engagement Manager for Wiltshire, delivered a presentation on the Census 2021, its importance for Wiltshire and the key target groups.


A survey every 10 years, owned by the Office of National Statistics. The purpose of the Census was to gather millions of data points for the government and local and parish councils.


The Census provides information that is used to shape policies, allocate funding and resources, plan services and monitor equality.


The Census would take place on 21 March 2021 and would be a digital first census, with paper copies available for those that required it.


Town and Parish councils were asked to spread the word. A series of useful links for use by parishes are below: 








PCC Precept proposals

Jerry Herbert, the Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner will present the Precept proposals for 2021/22.


Information links:

Public consultation survey (-

PCC Precept Video -



Deputy PCC Jerry Herbert gave a presentation on the annual Precept proposals.


The precept was increased last year, with additional money and the additional officers that came as part of the ‘Boris Bobbies’ scheme, into our Rural Crime team. There would be a total of 65 additional Officers by the end of the financial year. Up to 1050 Officers in total from the 934 two years ago. A vast amount of those Officers were going into the Community Police Teams.


Other areas of Policing which had received an uplift were Cyber-crime, dealing with crime prevention and investigation.


A flat cash settlement from the Home Office would pay the basic costs, beyond that there would be a shortfall of around £3m, that was driven by the fact that the Home Office funding did not pay for the 50% of last years pay award which fell into the next financial year, the increased costs of running the Police Aviation service or the national Police technologies.


The only way to keep the force running at the current level was to rise the precept. A £15 increase a year, which worked out as £1.25 a month for a band D property. Without this they would have to cut Community Policing


It was expected that there would be an add 48 officers in the new financial year.


The Commissioner has just launched a consultation period, running from 5 January 2021 to 2 February 2021. Please could you spread the word on the consultation as would like as may contributions as possible. It offers the chance to contribute your thoughts on what you think the local priorities should be.


Questions and Comments:


Was Wiltshire the lowest funded force in the country on a per capita basis?

Answer: No, not strictly. Of the 43 forces we get substantially less.


In general, £1.25 a month increase wasn’t too much.


The Police & Crime Panel would next meet on 4th February and had the power to veto the precept.


Information links:

Public consultation survey:

PCC Precept Video:



Area Board Work Plan

Report on progress towards our ambition to hand over as many detailed projects as possible to the new Area Board post the May elections.


Reports from:

·       Parish council mini workshop

·       Health & Wellbeing workshop


Ongoing work:

·       Community communications survey

·       Community eco projects directory

·       Health & Wellbeing work:

Silver Sunday projects, Transfer of Laverstock Memory Group, The Make a Friend be a Friend project, Youth activities offer including fun days, Targeted ASB Interventions, partnership with the new Health & Wellbeing hub (Downton/Whiteparish surgeries) .



·       Youth themed online workshop

·       Rural Youth Targeted Intervention Programme (subject to approval under agenda item 12)

·       Partnership working with New Forest Park Authority on Youth Projects in and around Landford

·       ‘Get Out Get Active’

·       Community area survey

·       Healthy Schools (subject to approval under agenda item 12)





Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager reported on progress towards the ambition to hand over as many detailed projects as possible to the new Area Board, post the May elections.


Every three years the Board looked to review its workplan to ensure it was shaped to the needs of the local community.


Looking at the latest data compiled by liaising with our partners and consulting our communities we set our priorities for the years ahead.


At the March 2021 Area Board meeting the Board will present its updated plan, ready to hand over to the new Area Board after the May elections.



·       Parish council mini workshop

·       Health & Wellbeing workshop – held last Wednesday with 25 attendees.

We spoke about what the top priorities for H&W were. From that discussion we drew the conclusion that rural isolation and older peoples isolation and dementia were all big priorities


The Plan so far:


1.     Support and strengthen community communications

2.     Facilitate collaborative working between parish councils, e.g. play areas, rights of way…

3.     Support for village activities now and as we emerge from the pandemic

4.     Support projects to tackle rural isolation, i.e. “Make A Friend Be A Friend”, “Silver Sunday”, new Dementia Memory Group, new youth activities and interventions with the New Forest Park Authority, and “Get Out Get Active”

5.     Work closely with the new Sarum Wellbeing Collective team based at Downton and Whiteparish surgeries on initiatives to help our physical and mental health and wellbeing

6.     Young People: Healthy Schools Project, Fun Days and youth engagement activities, ongoing support for youth clubs and activities, and targeted ASB interventions

7.     Eco-friendly villages – produce a directory of eco-friendly projects, places, initiatives nearby

8.     Online survey to clarify who is doing what, so that the area board can truly add value


The Chairman added that this was a huge range of initiatives and partnership work, that Karen was managing, along with her role as the CEM for the SWWAB she was thinly spread.


From the H&W event, one thing picked up was the need to engage with schools. The board had tried this in the past, and had not been very successful in attracting them to be involved.


The next year of scheduled Area Board meetings would include four business type meetings and a couple of event type meetings, with the possibly of a youth based one.



Community Area Transport Group (CATG) Update

To note the report from the last CATG meeting held on 2 December 2020 and consider the recommendations as detailed in the summary attached.

Supporting documents:


The Chairman moved that the Board approved the funding recommendations of the CATG as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.




The Area Board approved the recommendations from the CATG meeting held on 2 December 2020:

a)    L&F PC , Green Lane jct Roman Rd, signage – Not to progress

b)    Winterslow PC, Weston Lane, SLR - £2500 (subject to a 25% PC contribution)

c)    L&F PC, Clarendon Park PC, Millford Mill Rd weight limit – Top 5 Priority

d)    L&F PC, London Rd Crossing point assessment - £1000 (subject to a 25% PC contribution)

e)    Whiteparish PC, The Green HV warning signs - £500 (subject to a 25% PC contribution)

f)      L&F PC, The Portway bus shelter – 50% contribution of £3552




Community Area Grants


Amount Remaining £

Community Area Grant Scheme


Youth Grant Scheme


Health & Wellbeing Grant Scheme

7,700 (and 3.7k from 2019/20)

Community Area Transport Scheme




The Board will consider applications for funding as detailed in the reports attached to the agenda and listed below:


Community Area Grants:



Amount requested

Applicant: Salisbury Older People's champion
Project Title: Taking afternoon tea to isolated older people

View full application


(NB: application approved under delegated officer authority in December)

Applicant: My Salisbury
Project Title: Community Journalism and Media Training Project

View full application


Applicant: Devenish Bradshaw Trust
Project Title: City to Countryside Dog Trails - Digital and On-site

View full application


Applicant: ArtCare
Project Title: ArtCare Well-being TV at Salisbury District Hospital

View full application


Applicant: 1st Downton Scout Group
Project Title: 1st Downton Scout Group Scout Hut Refurbishment

View full application


Applicant: Alderbury Parish Council
Project Title: Speed Indicator Device for Alderbury

View full application


Late Application:



Applicant: Downton Football Club
Project Title: Clubhouse Community Project

View full application




Youth Funding Bids:



Grant Amount

Applicant: My Salisbury (working title)
Project Title: Project Spark Working Title


View full application



Applicant: Area Board Project
Project Title: Rural Youth Outreach Project


View full application



Applicant: Area Board Project

Project Title: Healthy Schools Initiative





Officer: Karen Linaker, Community Engagement Manager

Supporting documents:


The Chairman noted that some of the activities detailed in the applications may not be able to go ahead until the covid restrictions had been eased. In light of that, he advised that where there was a delay in a project taking place, there may also be a delay to the release of Area Board funds.



Health & Wellbeing Funding



The Board noted a £200 award which had been made to the Salisbury Older People’s Champion from the Health & Wellbeing budget 2020/21, under CEM Delegated Powers.


Community Area Grants

The Board considered 6 applications for funding, as detailed in the agenda pack. Applicants in attendance were invited to give a short summary of their projects. Followed by any questions.


My Salisbury - Community Journalism & Media Training requested £4479.97

The applicant, Andy Munns spoke in support of the project.



·       The skills set you are training them in, would the content then be used by local radio?

·       Answer: No the content they would be creating is for ‘My Salisbury’ only, if another platform wished to use those storeys that would be good. The website would be promoted through social media and other mediums, we would hope that Salisbury Journal and the Valley news etc would then write a piece on us.


·       What would happen if we were enthusiastic about the youth aspect but not the other bid?

Answer: They are stand alone, not funding one would not prevent the other from happening.


·       Which other Area Boards had been approached for funding?

Answer: For the youth grant applied to Southern and Salisbury.

The other project – we have already received £5K funding from SAB, we will be needing more as have now got over 50 people interested


·       We would need to see the full figures before we consider this.


·       There is no mention of SAB in the application or £5k coming in?


·       We don’t normally fund projects that only cover Salisbury, if we did fund this I would expect a guarantee that we had a number of candidates that benefitted from this in our area.

Answer: I live in your community area, outside of the city. I aim to reach the rural areas outside of the city.

I would be happy to guarantee a minimum number of spaces for those outside of the city.

·       Have you spoken to the schools?

Answer: Yes have spoken to several and they are interested in workshops


The Board felt that although the project was one that met the funding criteria, it sought clarification on whether a project was able to receive more than 50% funding from Area boards, and whether that rule was individually or as a combined award from several boards.


Action: The CEM would work with the applicant to resubmit the application with the required figures.




The application by ‘My Salisbury’ was deferred until a future meeting.


The applicant had applied for funding from multiple Area boards and clarification was required on some of the missing data.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.




The next meeting will be held online, at 7.00pm, on 11 March 2021.


The next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 11 March 2021, online at 7.00pm


You can join that meeting by using the link below:


Join on your computer or mobile app

Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)

+44 1225 694894,,693586771#   United Kingdom, Bath