Agenda item

Proposed change from CATG's to LHFIG's

Report of the Chief Executive



Cllr Dr Mark McClelland, Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste, Street Scene and Flooding presented the report which provided information about the recent increase in the remit of Community Area Transport Groups (CATGs) and approval of additional funds to allow this to progress.


Cllr Dr McClelland explained that CATGs have been operating since 2011 and involved in the delivery of over 1,000 schemes across the county, to improve road safety and encourage walking and cycling. To reflect the change in remit the Groups would be renamed as Local Highway & Footway Improvements Groups (LHFIGs).


The Cabinet noted that the Environment Select Committee undertook a review of the operation of the Groups, which included a survey of members and those involved in the CATGs. The results indicated that the majority considered that CATGs were an effective way of attracting and prioritising highway and transport investment and delivering improvements to the highways in a local area. Some responders suggested an increase in funding and support for the delivery of improved services.


Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Chair of the Environment Select Committee confirmed he along with Cllr Bob Jones, Vice-Chair of the Environment Select Committee and Cllr Graham Wright, Chairman of the Climate Emergency Task Group had received a briefing about proposed change from CATGs to LHFIGs on the 22 April 2022. The members welcome the change to LHFIG and recognise that this is building upon the success of CATGs by giving them more flexibility and funding. They considered how the changes will be implemented in the transition period and the flexibility in the membership of LHFIGs set out in the terms of reference. However, some concerns were expressed about whether there is capacity to deliver new projects. The Environment Select Committee asked for a review of the implementation of LHFIGs in 6 months time.


The Cabinet welcomed the proposals and suggestion from the Environment Select Committee for a review of the implementation process in 6 months time.


In response to comments from Cllr Gordon King about the capacity of CATGs to implement schemes and the sufficiency of CATG meetings held in a year, Cllr Dr McClelland confirmed that additional officer resources for LHFIGs were aimed at reducing the issues associated with CATGs and the number of LHFIGs meetings would be a matter for each Area Board LHFIG to determine.


In response to comments from Cllr Dr Brian Mathew about the costs associated with assessment of a scheme, publication of guidance on 20mph speed limits, Town and Parish Council contributions and Lyneham Banks landslide and impact on the budget, Cllr Dr McClelland explained that the Council follows Government guidelines in relation to 20mph zones and there is no intention of publishing a report on this matter, proposals for contributions from third parties were recommendations rather than a formal requirement as each Town and Parish Council have differing demands on their resources and this could be considered further during the review of the LHFIGs, the Council is not currently in a position to assess the costs of Lyneham Banks due to the landslide continuing to move, once this has stopped an assessment will be made.


In response to a comment from Cllr Gavin Grant about the suggestion detailed in Appendix B to the report that LHFIGs seek additional contributions from third parties towards schemes of 20% minimum, and asked if a guidance note could be made available to Parish Clerks informing them if this. Cllr Dr McClelland supported this suggestion and agreed to provide guidance to Parish Clerks on the matter.


In response to a comment from Cllr Caroline Thomas about the identification of a project at a later stage in funding cycle, there could be a very real risk that the project did not proceed and funding would be removed. Cllr Dr McClelland confirmed that this would be an issue considered in the review later in the year.




  1. To approve the creation of the LHFIGs.


  1. That the revised Terms of Reference and Guidance Notes be adopted.



Reasons for Decision:


The CATGs have clearly been an effective way of attracting and prioritising local highways and transport investment. They have facilitated community engagement and helped communities understand the potential for safety improvements on the highway network and the limitations because of legal, funding or other factors.


Increasing the remit and the budget provision is seen as a way of continuing the development of the Groups and furthering local involvement in Highway matters


Supporting documents: