Agenda item

Partner Updates

To note the attached Partner updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:


  1. Wiltshire Police
  2. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue
  3. Healthwatch Wiltshire
  4. Wiltshire CCG
  5. MADT (Marlborough Area Development Trust)
  6. Transition Marlborough
  7. Town / Parish Councils


a)    Devotion Youth Club


Devotion Youth Club were awarded £897.23 at the 29 September 2015 Marlborough Area Board towards the Hangout@The Mead project. Young people from the project were in attendance to inform those present what the money had achieved and to thank the Area Board for the grant.


b)    Wiltshire Police


Inspector Nick Mawson was in attendance and introduced himself as replacing Inspector Matthew Armstrong. Inspector Mawson was six weeks into his role and would be covering Marlborough, Melksham, Pewsey, and Devizes.


Trowbridge and Warminster were piloting a new policing model. The new “Community Model” would provide a change in service delivery. More locally-based police would be available 24/7 rather than dedicated policing managers. It was noted that there wouldn’t be a loss in local knowledge or PCSO’s.


c)    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


There was no update.


d)    Healthwatch Wiltshire


The update in the agenda pack was referred to. The new Healthwatch website was ready to go live in the near future; comments from users on the website were welcomed.


e)    Wiltshire CCG


The update in the agenda pack was referred to.


f)     Marlborough Area Development Trust (MADT)


The update in the agenda pack was referred to.


g)    Transition Marlborough


An update presentation was provided at the meeting. A written update is attached to this set of minutes.


Marlborough was noted as being one of 6 Air Quality Management Areas as nitrogen dioxide emission levels were above the safe limit. Delivery of a real-time air quality monitor was being awaited.


The Wiltshire Council website for real-time updates on air quality monitors was noted as being a useful resource:


Transition Marlborough would be hosting a meeting to feed into the Area Board in early 2016.


Thanks were expressed to Wiltshire Council for resurfacing Treacle Bolley. The surface was great for cycling and Preshute & St John’s students could now cycle to School without mud.


The Marlborough Communities’ Market had been suspended due to unaffordable rent rates on Sundays.


As a result of a proposed 87% funding cut the Kennet Community Energy project was at risk of closure.


The Permaculture Course run by Transition Marlborough would be running for their fifth year in March 2016. The course was noted as popular and had more than 40 alumnae.


Meetings of Transition Marlborough were held on the second Thursday of each month at The Green Dragon. Details were available on their website.


h)   Town/Parish Councils


Marlborough Town Council –

Work was taking place with the CEM and the Mobility Store on the introduction of the Shopmobility scheme to Marlborough. Guidance was being taken from Salisbury.


Marlborough was joined by Mildenhall, Preshute and Savernake to form Neighbourhood Area and form a Neighbourhood Plan. At the current stage an application to form the designated Neighbourhood Area had been submitted.


Along with other towns, Marlborough Town Council was working with VisitWiltshire to promote the A4 as a tourist route.


New business units had opened at Elcot Park, supported by Wiltshire Council, and would provide future job opportunities for the area.


The World War I Remembrance Parade was held on 08 November.


More than 5,000 people attended the Marlborough Christmas Lights Switch-On. Special guests, Scouting for Girls, were in attendance to turn on the lights. The band had filmed the video for their new single around Marlborough, the video was noted as being available on Youtube through this link:


The Citizen of the Year 2015 had been announced as Mrs Jenny Smithers, who was a long-standing volunteer for MENCAP.

Supporting documents: