Agenda item

18/08115/FUL: 392 A Ham Green, Holt BA14 6PX - Demolition of conservatory and proposed rear extensions. Alterations to the front boundary treatments.

A report by the Case Officer is attached.


Public Participation

John Palmer spoke in objection to the application

James Greenwell, Applicant, spoke in support of the application.

Bob Mizen, spoke on behalf of Holt Parish Council, in objection to the application


Kenny Green, Development Management Team Leader, introduced the report which recommended approval be granted for the demolition of a conservatory and proposed rear extensions and alterations to the front boundary treatments.


Members were informed that a late representation had been received, which had been circulated to committee members prior to the meeting, however the officer read out the concerns expressed by the concerned neighbour. The concerns comprised reference to overdevelopment, overbearing and loss of privacy impacts and loss of light to the neighbouring property and garden located to the east. The officer advised members that the unscaled sketched extension to the property in the form of an amended photograph could not be verified as being accurate, although the scaled plan measurements were clearly reported to the committee.


The committee was advised that Holt Parish Council, as part of their submitted objection, referenced Policy H18 which remains as being saved from the West Wiltshire District Plan, within in their representation, however, the committee members were advised that the Policy was not relevant to the development proposal since it related to ancillary domestic development and not new housing development.  Members were also advised that the impacts of the development would be acceptable in planning terms and the development would not detrimentally affect the protected part of the village.



Members of the Committee had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer. Details were sought on: the height of the railings and the light impacts on the neighbouring property.


Members of the public, as detailed above, had the opportunity to speak on the application. 


Local Member, Councillor Trevor Carbin, spoke on the application noting: the detrimental impact on the area of minimum change, overshadowing, detrimental impact on neighbours amenity, the change in character of the property and dynamic of the community, making reference to saved West Wiltshire District Plan – 1st Alteration policy H18, and adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy Core Policy 57 and Core Policy 58.


A motion to refuse the application was moved by Councillor Trevor Carbin and seconded by Councillor Ernie Clark.


A debate followed where the following points were made: that the railings would change the character of the property and be out of keeping in an area that is protected, that the development proposal conflicted with the neighbourhood plan and that the extensions would have a detrimental impact on neighbouring interests and would be in conflict with adopted and saved plan policy.


Before a vote was taken, the presenting planning officer provided his professional interpretation of saved policy H18 and advised the committee that the whilst saved Policy sets out a presumption against the construction of new housing development within the protected area of minimum change, it did not extend to other development that is not new housing development. In addition, the present legal officer, David Kerfoot, further advised Members that he shared the same opinion and advised that the policy clearly did not refer to the construction of ancillary buildings such as extensions, and consequently, the policy would not apply to this particular case.


Following the vote the motion was lost.


A motion, to delegate the approval of the application to officers subject to the removal of the railings and gate, was moved by Councillor Jonathon Seed and was seconded by Councillor Pip Ridout.


At the end of the debate it was;




To delegate the approval of the application to officers subject to the removal of the railing and gate.  

Supporting documents: