Issue - decisions

Approval for the provision of Five discharge to assess/community flow beds by way of an exemption to extend

24/02/2021 - Approval for the provision of Five discharge to assess/community flow beds by way of an exemption to extend

To approve the provision of 5 Discharge to Assess / Community Flow Beds at Blenheim House to support customers timely discharge from hospital, to support

The contract is due to commence on the 19th January 2021 and run for an 11-week period expiring on the 31st March 2021. The total value for the 11-week term is £60,500.00. Please see appendix 1 for details of the contracts.

To allow the Strategic Procurement Hub to enter into the resulting contracts in line with the Council’s Constitution and Schemes of Delegation, including the use of e­ signatures where permitted and considered appropriate.