Forthcoming Decisions

Forthcoming Decisions

09/09/2024 - Enforcement Policy

It is recognised that an assertive and coordinated approach to enforcement will help to increase compliance, prevent further infringements and deter other offenders (in line with the commitment in the Business Plan to ‘prevention and early intervention’ as a guiding theme). An umbrella enforcement policy has been prepared to ensure the council’s approach is transparent, accountable, proportionate, consistent and targeted.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 08/10/2024

Lead officer: David Bowater

Notice of decision: 09/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

09/09/2024 - Safety Valve - August Update Report for DfE

To apprise Cabinet of the Safety Valve update report submitted to the Department for Education on the 28th August.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 08/10/2024

Lead officer: Ben Stevens, Liz Williams

Notice of decision: 09/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

09/09/2024 - Library Strategy 2025 - 2030

A Cabinet decision is required to approve a five year Library Strategy. The report will outline the how the library service will achieve council priorities and meet the needs of customers over the next five years.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 10/12/2024

Lead officer: Rebecca Bolton

Notice of decision: 09/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

09/09/2024 - Chippenham One Plan and Chippenham Avon Project Master Plan

Recognise the One Plan and Chippenham Avon Project Masterplan as evidence-based documents to inform the Local Plan Review and future planning guidance; and endorse the One Plan and Chippenham Avon Project Masterplan as material considerations in the making of planning decisions.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 08/10/2024

Lead officer: Victoria Moloney

Notice of decision: 09/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

09/09/2024 - Insurance Services Tender

Our current 5 year contract for Insurance Services ends on 31/03/2025. This contract covers our potential financial liabilities for a variety of insurance claims, including our properties, motor fleet and drivers and public liabilities.

The report sets out two options to provide this cover and asks that a decision is made on these options, which are:

1) Re-tender the Insurance service contract with a third party provider, or
2) Self Insure the costs of Insurance claims and costs to repair damage to our own assets from the Council’s financial resources.

Additionally, should the decision be made to re-tender, that the decision in terms of the contract award is delegated to the Council's s. 151 Officer.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/01/2025

Lead officer: Kay Beckett

Notice of decision: 09/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

09/09/2024 - Wiltshire and Swindon Local Nature Recovery Strategy Draft for Public Consultation

To approve the submission of the draft version to Defra and undertake a public consultation.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Lynn Trigwell

Notice of decision: 09/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

09/09/2024 - Waste Disposal Contract Award

Decision to award contract for the provision of waste disposal services beyond 2026

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 14/01/2025

Lead officer: Martin Litherland

Notice of decision: 09/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

09/09/2024 - Materials Recovery Facility Contract Award

Decision to award contract for the provision of Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) services beyond 2026

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 10/12/2024

Lead officer: Martin Litherland

Notice of decision: 09/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

09/09/2024 - Waste Transfer Contract Award

Decision to award contract for the provision of waste transfer services beyond 2026

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 19/11/2024

Lead officer: Martin Litherland

Notice of decision: 19/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

09/09/2024 - Climate Delivery Plans 2025 - 2027

The updated Carbon Neutral Council Plan refreshes actions the council is taking to become carbon neutral in its direct emissions by 2030, whilst the updated Climate Strategy Delivery Plan sets out what Wiltshire Council will do in partnership with others to seek to make the county of Wiltshire carbon neutral.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 10/12/2024

Lead officer: Lynn Trigwell

Notice of decision: 09/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

19/08/2024 - Wiltshire Council Annual Adoption Service 2023-2024 Year End Report

It is requested that this report is approved and the contents of it are considered against the Corporate Parenting Strategic Priorities for children in care to have a loving home, good relationships, and be respected

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 08/10/2024

Lead officer: Netty Lee, Pier Pritchard

Notice of decision: 19/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

19/08/2024 - Local Transport Plan

The draft LTP (LTP4) will set out how the council plans and provides transport for residents, businesses and visitors in accordance with its Business Plan priorities

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 19/11/2024

Lead officer: Simon Lymn

Notice of decision: 23/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

19/08/2024 - Mid Year Treasury Management Review 2024/25

Mid year Treasury
Management performance
report for the financial year

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 19/11/2024

Lead officer: Lizzie Watkin

Notice of decision: 19/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

19/08/2024 - Financial Year 2024/25 - Quarter Two Revenue Budget Monitoring

Quarterly Revenue Budget
Monitoring report for
financial year 2024/25

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 19/11/2024

Lead officer: Lizzie Watkin

Notice of decision: 19/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

19/08/2024 - Financial Year 2024/25 - Quarter Two Capital Budget Monitoring

Quarterly Capital Budget
Monitoring report for
financial year 2024/25

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 19/11/2024

Lead officer: Lizzie Watkin

Notice of decision: 19/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

19/08/2024 - Recommissioning of Speech and Language Therapy Service

Commissioning of service to delivery speech and language therapy service to schools

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 19/11/2024

Lead officer: Kai Muxlow

Notice of decision: 19/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

19/08/2024 - Performance and Risk Report 2024-25 Quarter Two

Quarterly report to Cabinet on the corporate performance scorecard and the strategic risk summary.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 19/11/2024

Lead officer: Martin Nicholls

Notice of decision: 19/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

19/08/2024 - New Trowbridge Bat Mitigation Strategy

To approve for public consultation a revised bat mitigation strategy which has the objective of addressing impacts on bat habitat in and around Trowbridge and Westbury that is functionally and demographically linked to the Bath and Bradford-on-Avon Bats SAC.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Lynn Trigwell

Notice of decision: 19/08/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/06/2024 - Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

A document that sets out the council's requirements for developers to improve/protect air quality via the development control process. The SPD provides an important mechanism to help us achieve the aims and objectives of our Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP).

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 10/12/2024

Lead officer: Gary Tomsett, Brett Warren

Notice of decision: 13/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/06/2024 - Telecare Service Recommissioning

We are requesting delegated authority to go to tender for a TEC service to start in April 2025.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 08/10/2024

Lead officer: Victoria Bayley

Notice of decision: 13/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/06/2024 - Household Support Fund

The purpose of this report is to provide Members with an overview of the Household Support Fund should we be advised of an extension to the Fund post 30 September 2024 and delegate the payment criteria of the grant to the Director, Finance and Procurement (S151 Officer), Corporate Director, People, and the Director, Public Health in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Public
Health, Communities, Leisure, and Libraries

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 08/10/2024

Lead officer: Rachel Kent

Notice of decision: 13/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/06/2024 - Future Commissioning of Care Homes

Seeking approval for the proposed direction for the future commissioning of care homes.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 19/11/2024

Lead officer: Jo Body

Notice of decision: 13/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

13/06/2024 - Wiltshire Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) Adoption

The current Wiltshire Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) was compiled in 2016 and adopted by Wiltshire
Council in February 2017. We have been advised by Sport England this strategy is now out of date.

The PPS renewal will give Wiltshire Council a new, up-to-date strategy, data set and strategic framework to provide the necessary robustness and direction to inform decisions affecting the provision of playing pitches (inc. artificial pitches) and ancillary services.

The strategy covers the four main playing pitch sports of football, cricket, rugby and hockey, looking at both grass pitches, artificial turf pitches and ancillary services. There are four main parts: -

1. Wiltshire Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS): The strategy document.
2. Action Plan: Giving clarity on strategic priorities.
3. Community Area Profiles: Looking at more local needs within the Councils 18 community areas.
4. Needs Assessment: Research data to inform decision making and policy development.

A PPS strategy is required to be produced in accordance with national planning guidance to provide a robust and objective justification for future community sporting infrastructure provision throughout Wiltshire. An up-to-date Wiltshire PPS is a tool to assist in the planning process and is needed to underpin the new Wiltshire Local Plan as an evidence base to conform with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). A renewal of the Wiltshire PPS can: -

• Provide a fresh strategic approach and direction to playing pitch provision with outlined priorities.
• Inform and provide a strategic evidence base in the Councils negotiation and securing of S106 developer contributions towards pitches and facilities.
• Provide a strategic view and options for the provision of pitches aligned to the Local Plan Review (LPR) for Wiltshire, helping to meet housing development strain on community sporting infrastructure.
• Be used as robust evidence to protect existing playing pitches and fields to help defend against inappropriate development or loss of pitches.
• Create an area-by-area community assessment of need adding support for local place shaping priorities.
• Outline a priority list of deliverable projects that will help to meet any current deficiencies, provide for future demands and feed into wider Council infrastructure planning work.
• Support increased formal club-based sport as well as social, casual and informal sporting opportunities helping all Wiltshire residents to get more active including those who face barriers to participation and/or experience multiple health inequalities.
• Provide evidence of need for a range of capital grants and help secure external funding.
• Provide for an integrated approach towards land use planning and playing pitch provision (inc. school playing fields) through the Council’s LPR and through decisions on individual planning applications.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 10/12/2024

Lead officer: Daniel Geeson

Notice of decision: 13/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

20/05/2024 - Materials Recovery Facility Procurement Method

Outcome of further research into procurement options for Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) services including decision on procurement route

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 19/11/2024

Lead officer: Martin Litherland

Notice of decision: 20/05/2024

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - view reasons

08/04/2024 - Future Waste Collection Service Design

Decision on design of kerbside waste and recycling collection service, including configuration of waste collection vehicles, for the future waste collection contract.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 19/11/2024

Lead officer: Martin Litherland

Notice of decision: 08/04/2024

Anticipated restriction: Part exempt  - view reasons

20/02/2024 - Recommissioning of Children and Young People's Mental Health Services

To ensure we meet our statutory responsibilities to provide community mental health services for children and young people from April 2025

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 08/10/2024

Lead officer: Kai Muxlow

Notice of decision: 20/02/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open