Forthcoming Decisions

Forthcoming Decisions

06/01/2025 - Household Support Fund 7

Decision needed to enable Ph to distribute the Household Support Fund

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 08/04/2025

Lead officer: Rachel Kent

Notice of decision: 06/01/2025

Anticipated restriction: Open

23/12/2024 - UK Shared Prosperity Fund Programme

To update on the UK Shared Prosperity Programme for 2022-2025, and to outline plans for 2025-26.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Victoria Moloney

Notice of decision: 23/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

23/12/2024 - EHCP Top-Up Funding Scheme

To consider revisions to the way that Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) are funded in Wiltshire.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Ben Stevens, Liz Williams

Notice of decision: 23/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

23/12/2024 - Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budget Setting 2025/26 including Dwelling Rent Setting 2025/26 and 30-Year Business Plan Review

To update Members on the budget and planning for the HRA 2025/26 and beyond.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Marie Taylor, Lizzie Watkin

Notice of decision: 23/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

23/12/2024 - Warm Homes: Local Grant - Acceptance and Procurement Options

To seek approval to accept a Warm Homes: Local Grant and to consider procurement options.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Lynn Trigwell

Notice of decision: 23/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

23/12/2024 - Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site Setting Study - Draft Supplementary Planning Document for consultation

To seek approval to consult on the draft Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site Setting Study, Supplementary Planning Document

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 18/03/2025

Lead officer: Lynn Trigwell

Notice of decision: 23/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

23/12/2024 - The Cranborne Chase Management Plan - Draft for Adoption

To consider adoption of the draft Management Plan for The Cranborne Chase National Landscape following public consultation.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 18/03/2025

Lead officer: Lynn Trigwell

Notice of decision: 23/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

23/12/2024 - Future Commissioning of Homecare

The purpose of this report is to recommend that Cabinet approve the strategic direction to recommission all homecare in Wiltshire from 2026. Once the preferred option is agreed a procurement will be required in 2025/26.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 18/03/2025

Lead officer: Clare O'Farrell

Notice of decision: 23/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

23/12/2024 - New Trowbridge Leisure Centre Capital Investment

This paper sets out the capital funding requirements for the new Trowbridge Leisure Centre, prior to it progressing to construction.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Louise Cary

Notice of decision: 23/12/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

11/11/2024 - Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan Document - Submission of Draft Plan

To consider submission of the Plan for examination following Regulation 19 consultation.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Georgina Clampitt-Dix, Nic Thomas, Chris Roe

Notice of decision: 11/11/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

21/10/2024 - School Admissions Policies 2026-27

School Admissions Policies

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Debbie Clare

Notice of decision: 21/10/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

21/10/2024 - Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2025/26

Treasury Management
Strategy Statement for the
financial year 2025/26, that
sets the framework for all
Treasury Management
investment and borrowing
activity for the coming year

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Lizzie Watkin

Notice of decision: 21/10/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

21/10/2024 - Wiltshire Council Budget 2025/2026 and MTFS Update 2025/26-2027/28

To recommend a budget to
Full Council

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Lizzie Watkin

Notice of decision: 21/10/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

21/10/2024 - Financial Year 2024/25 - Quarter Three Capital Budget Monitoring

Quarterly Capital Budget
Monitoring report for
financial year 2024/25

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Lizzie Watkin

Notice of decision: 21/10/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

21/10/2024 - Financial Year 2024/25 - Quarter Three Revenue Budget Monitoring

Quarterly Revenue Budget
Monitoring report for
financial year 2024/25

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Lizzie Watkin

Notice of decision: 21/10/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

21/10/2024 - Performance and Risk Report 2024/25 Quarter Three

Quarterly report to Cabinet on the corporate performance scorecard and the strategic risk summary.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Martin Nicholls

Notice of decision: 21/10/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

09/09/2024 - Wiltshire and Swindon Local Nature Recovery Strategy Draft for Public Consultation

To approve the submission of the draft version to Defra and undertake a public consultation.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Waste and Environment

Decision due date: 04/02/2025

Lead officer: Lynn Trigwell

Notice of decision: 09/09/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open

13/06/2024 - Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

A document that sets out the council's requirements for developers to improve/protect air quality via the development control process. The SPD provides an important mechanism to help us achieve the aims and objectives of our Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP).

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 18/03/2025

Lead officer: Gary Tomsett, Brett Warren

Notice of decision: 13/06/2024

Anticipated restriction: Open