Issue details

ASCPHPP-01-21: Amended Air Quality Management Order

An Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) was declared by Order in respect of levels of fine particulates (PM10) and nitrogen dioxide in Masons Lane Bradford on Avon in November 2001. Levels of fine particulates have fallen and are now compliant with UK air quality regulations. As a result, the order establishing the AQMA can be modified to remove fine particulates. The order will remain in place with respect to the annual mean objective for nitrogen dioxide.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/04/2021

Decision due: Not before 28 Apr 2021 by Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Public Protection

Lead member: Cllr Simon Jacobs

Department: Public Health

Contact: Gary Tomsett, 01722 434340, Email:

Consultation process

The attached report with amended order was presented to Bradford on Avon Area Board on the 3March 2021 by Councillor Ben Anderson, Portfolio Holder for Public Health and Public Protection


Legal Services advice has been sought as to the correct mechanism for amending the order and they have confirmed that this can be done via the relevant cabinet members decision. Legal Services have also drafted the amended order.

