Issue details

CS-004-10 - Closure of Salisbury High

1.      The report summarises the results of the public consultation undertaken between December 2009 and January 2010 and the statutory proposals published on 17 February 2010.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Decision due: 16 Apr 2010 by Cabinet Member for Children's Services

Lead member: Cllr Lionel Grundy OBE

Department: Families and Children

Contact: Nigel Hunt, Head of School Buildings & Places 01225 713773 Email: Email:

Consultation process

1.      Following the public consultation referred to in 1 above the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services decided to publish statutory proposals to close Salisbury High School and establish an Academy on the current site from 1 September 2010.


2.      The report attached to the Cabinet Members decision of 11 February detailed the public consultation process and its outcome.


3.      The statutory proposals to implement the consultation and close Salisbury High School were published on 17 February 2010.  Copies of the proposals are attached.  The notices expired on 8 April 2010 and no objections have been received.