Click the following link to download an electronic calendar update, or vCalendar, containing .
Download the events for Local Pension Board from 14/01/2025 VCS 1KB
Many electronic calendars, including Microsoft Outlook, cannot open vCalendars directly from a website when they contain more than one event. However, most will allow you to import the details if you save them to a file first.
When you click the download link, you will be prompted to Open or Save the vCalendar. You should select the Save option to save the events to a file.
If you are using Microsoft Outlook, you can now use the File / Import and Export menu to read your saved file into your contacts database.
If you are using Novell Groupwise, use the File / Import Documents menu.
If you are using Lotus Notes, use the File / Import menu.
For further information on importing vCalendar (VCS / ICS) files into your email program, please refer to its online help.