
Download calendar details as a vCalendar file

Transforming Waste and Recycling Services in Wiltshire Scrutiny Task Group (WCC)

Click the following link to download an electronic calendar update, or vCalendar, containing .

Download the events for Transforming Waste and Recycling Services in Wiltshire Scrutiny Task Group (WCC) from VCS file icon VCS 1KB

Many electronic calendars, including Microsoft Outlook, cannot open vCalendars directly from a website when they contain more than one event. However, most will allow you to import the details if you save them to a file first.

When you click the download link, you will be prompted to Open or Save the vCalendar. You should select the Save option to save the events to a file.

If you are using Microsoft Outlook, you can now use the File / Import and Export menu to read your saved file into your contacts database.

If you are using Novell Groupwise, use the File / Import Documents menu.

If you are using Lotus Notes, use the File / Import menu.

For further information on importing vCalendar (VCS / ICS) files into your email program, please refer to its online help.