Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive any updates from the following partners:


(a)   Wiltshire Police

(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

(c)  NHS Wiltshire

(d)  Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives

(e)  Chamber of Commerce

(f)   Shadow Community Operations Board (SCOB)


(a)  Wiltshire Police


·         Sergeant Alan George had now retired and Sergeant Alex Reid would be moving to the Chippenham police area for a temporary period.  PC Mandy Ball would cover the Corsham Area during this time.


·         A number of volunteers had now come forward to help with the Speedwatch schemes at Lacock and Gastard. 


·         The Police had been working with licensing officers to deal with anti social behaviour and the situation had improved.


·         2012 was a unique year with a number of special events taking place.  Sometimes officers would not be able to attend community events particularly on Bank Holidays due to the large number of commitments required of them.


·         A recent event had resulted in a large backlog of traffic and a meeting would be held in August to find out what could have been done to prevent this situation.


(b)  Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


The Area Board noted the report submitted by the Fire and Rescue Service which was included in the agenda pack.  People were urged to undergo home fire safety checks before the winter period.


(c)  NHS Wiltshire


The Area Board noted the report submitted by NHS Wiltshire which was included in the agenda pack.


(d)  Box Parish Council


No representative from the Parish Council was present but Cllr Sheila Parker reported that the Diamond Jubilee Committee was looking forward to the events that had been planned for the Jubilee and thanked the Area Board for its financial support.


(e)  Colerne Parish Council


·         Preparations were underway for the village fete which was being organised with support from the Parish Council and Tom Hall thanked the Area Board for its financial support.

·         The village had recently hosted a very successful Junior football event.

·         A Community Action Group had been formed and it was hoped that this would enable a skatepark facility to be built.


(f)   Corsham Town Council


·         Neston had formed a lorry watch scheme to monitor HGVs passing through the village.  The Area Board agreed to give its support to the scheme.

·         A report had been received regarding pedestrian crossings on Pickwick Road.

·         The Council was pleased to see that the campus had now received planning permission and looked forward to the next stage of development including the land transfer.

·         Wiltshire Council’s Capital Assets Committee had now considered the future of Rudloe Community Centre.  The Town Council hoped that the open aspect and recreation facilities would remain.

·         A fete would be held in Corsham on 2 June and the Town Council thanked the Area Board for its financial support.  There would also be free parking on Saturday 2 June and thanks was given to Wiltshire Council for permitting this.


(g)  Lacock Parish Council


Traffic restrictions in Lacock would be strictly enforced over the next few months.


(h)  Shadow Community Operations Board (SCOB)


Allan Bosley reported that planning permission for the campus had now been approved.  Over 2,000 hours had been given by volunteers and Allan thanked those that had willingly given their time.  He also thanked Corsham Town Council and the Parish Councils for their support for this project.  It was hoped that more volunteers would engage over the next 18 months and a number of sub groups would be formed to deal with issues such as arts and finance.  Further details would be available on the website  Councillor Alan MacRae also thanked all those members of the SCOB and the many volunteers that had worked so hard to make this project happen.

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