Agenda item

Adoption of Public Areas in Leigh Park

To receive a report and update.


Councillor Hawker introduced this item, which was a report on progress with the adoption by Wiltshire Council of public areas in the Leigh Park development. He explained that the development started 11 years ago and included approximately 1,100 homes in total.


Sally Hendry referred to the written report in the agenda pack which contained the background to this matter and outlined the present situation. The Leigh Park development was currently in a period of transition, and eventually all infrastructure such as roads, lights, parks, etc would be adopted and managed by Wiltshire Council.


Sally introduced Kevin Moore, a representative of Persimmon, and Steve Ibbetson, Technical Manager, who provided more detail on the present situation.


A map was on display which showed the different stages of construction on Leigh Park. Steve explained that some areas had already been adopted by Wiltshire Council and some areas were ready for inspection with adoption expected to take place in the near future. The areas that were still under construction were not due to be adopted until construction was complete.


If residents had any concerns they should contact Wiltshire Council if the area in question had already been adopted, or Persimmon if the area was currently not adopted. The map that was on display showed which areas had been adopted and which had not, and this could be scanned and made available after the meeting.


A number of questions and issues were raised:


·         One resident asked why only a double mini-roundabout had been adopted so far, and not more of Phase One. Kevin Moore informed them that this was the way it worked out, and that some things were quicker to adopt than others.

·         Councillor Hawker enquired as to the dates that the roads were expected to be adopted. Kevin stated that the main infrastructure roads were very close to adoption and should be completed within a matter of weeks. At present they were waiting for the final inspection of the street lights and then adoption would take place.

·         Kevin added that, with regards to the Fell Road area (the northern part of the development), there was no reason why adoption should not be complete with three months. Persimmon was working very closely with Wiltshire Highways on this. The southern area, however, was a bit more behind in terms of progression, but it was still hoped that adoption would be complete within the next year.

·         One resident expressed concern that no firm dates were being given and suggested that the Area Board requested firm dates from Persimmon. In response to this, Kevin stated that dates were given to Highways at their monthly meetings.

·         In response to the concern raised above, Councillor Hawker explained that a new contractor was in place now, and that Kevin was part of the solution in going forward. Bill Parks added that it was in the developer’s interests to progress adoption as soon as possible, because they remained responsible until adoption was complete.

·         A question arose regarding the 20mph speed limit on the development. Signs had been erected already even thought the roads were yet to be adopted. Kevin stated that the signs were permitted though not yet enforceable. Steve commented that a consultation and Road Traffic Order were required for the 20mph zone to be enforced, so work on this was ongoing.

·         Councillor Hawker enquired whether the 20mph zone would be extended. Kevin reported that the main roads would not be 20mph zones, but the residential roads mostly would be. It was not clear about the cul-de-sacs yet as the effectiveness of this was questionable.

·         One resident was concerned that the number of trees planted did not coincide with the original plans, to which Kevin replied that this matter should be looked into.

·         Concern was raised from one resident regarding trucks parking on roundabouts, resulting in difficulties for other motorists to get past. Councillor Hawker reported that this problem was occurring due to the service yard at the rear of the shops and that this was a planning enforcement issue. Bill Parks added that, once adopted, the road and roundabout would be the responsibility of Wiltshire Highways, and there would be more scope to open dialogue with the shop and deal with the issue.

·         With reference to the concern raised above, Councillor Hawker stated that this would be raised as an issue so that it could be progressed and monitored.

·         In response to a question regarding the Community Centre, Councillor Hawker stated that there were plans for this to proceed and that this matter would be discussed at the next Area Board meeting in June.

·         One resident enquired whether bike racks would be included as part of the development of the Community Centre, to which Councillor Hawker replied that bike racks were part of the original planning consent. He added that this would be checked and reported on at a future meeting. In response to this, Sally Hendry suggested that Tesco could be contacted and asked to consider installing bike racks.

·         The final issue raised was concerning white sacks that were left outside, which young people were using to climb trees. Concern was expressed that some trees in the area were protected and Steve stated that he would report the matter to planning enforcement.


Councillor Hawker proposed that the Area Board requested six-monthly progress reports from the relevant departments regarding progress with adoptions and management arrangements.  This proposal was seconded by Councillor Cuthbert-Murray and the Area Board members agreed.



The Area Board agreed to request progress reports on a six-monthly basis regarding the adoptions and management arrangements relating to Leigh Park.

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