Agenda and minutes

Salisbury Area Board - Thursday 10 July 2014 7.00 pm

Venue: City Hall, Malthouse Lane, Salisbury SP2 7TU

Contact: Lisa Moore  (Democratic Services Officer)

Note No. Item



Welcome and Introductions

Supporting documents:


The Chairman Councillor Ricky Rogers welcomed everyone to the meeting of the Salisbury Area Board and invited the members of the Board to introduce themselves.



Apologies for Absence


There were none.




To confirm the minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 15 May 2014, as attached to the agenda.

Supporting documents:



The minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 15 May 2014 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of disclosable interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.



The Chairman, Councillor Rogers declared an interest relating to item 13, Community Area Grant applicants:


·         The Rotary Club of Salisbury, as he was part of a Charity which had recently received a grant from the applicant. He did not take part in the voting for this application.



Chairman's Updates

The Chairman will give an update on outcomes and actions arising from previous meetings of the Area Board.



The Chairman gave the following updates:


·       The second round of grass cutting seemed to have improved.

·       Residents had been pleased to see the start of resurfacing to some local roads.

·       The Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service consultation had been delayed.

·       The ownership of the Salisbury City Football Club was in question, local supporters were devastated over the sale of the club, the Chairman hoped that there would be some positive news shortly.



Information items

To note the information sheets attached to the agenda, and available by following the online links:


a.     Salisbury Vision - attached

b.     WC updates – attached

c.     Youth Services Review update – slides attached

d.     Issues system:

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the following information sheets attached to the agenda, and additional information available by following the online link provided.


a.     Salisbury Vision

b.     WC updates

c.     Youth Services Review update

d.     Issues system:



Current Consultations

To note that information on the following consultations can be found via the following link:


Licensing policy consultation Licensing policy consultation 90kb

31 July 2014

Wiltshire Council as the Licensing Authority is required to have a current five year statement of licensing policy. The current document expires in November 2014 and the licensing authority is now consulting on a replacement policy to run inclusively to 2018. The policy is now being consulted on from 9 May 2014 - 31 July 2014 and we want to hear your views. You can view more details on the PDFStatement of Licensing Policy Statement of Licensing Policy 347kb for Regulated  Entertainment, Late Night Refreshment and the Sale and supply of Alcohol

Leisure Survey 2014

30 September 2014

This leisure survey, running from June - September will help Wiltshire Council to understand more about your experiences and satisfaction with the leisure activities offered by Wiltshire Council. The survey should only take a few minutes to complete.


Sun awareness survey 2014

30 September 2014

Wiltshire Council is running a campaign on Sun Awareness in Wiltshire and would like to gain an idea of your awareness of sun safety at home, out and about and abroad. A responder will be chosen at random to win a fun sun prize.


Housing needs survey


Wiltshire Council is working with parish councils to identify the housing needs of local people and would be grateful for your help.

Households in parishes are being asked to take part in a survey that will give up-to-date information about local housing circumstances and aspirations.  


Telephone: 01249 706614

Consultations on Traffic Regulation Orders


Wiltshire Council actively seeks the views of its residents in the decision making process for Traffic Regulation Orders within the county.

As part of this process, Wiltshire Council undertakes consultation on its proposals for Traffic Regulation Orders in the county with the publication of the proposals for response.





The Board noted the information on the following current consultations, available online:


·       Licensing Policy

·       Leisure Survey 2014

·       Sun Awareness Survey 2014

·       Housing Needs Survey

·       Consultations on Traffic Regulation Orders



Update from Representatives

To note the written updates attached to the agenda and to receive any verbal updates from representatives present.


a)    Salisbury City Council

b)    Laverstock and Ford Parish Council

c)     Police – update attached

d)    Fire

e)    Youth

f)      Salisbury Campus



Supporting documents:


The Board received the following updates:


Salisbury City Council (SCC) Andrew Roberts

·         There would be a Teenagers market on Sunday 13 July.

·         The Farmers markets continued to do well.

·         The Guildhall was a finalist in the Marketing Category and the Information Centre was a finalist in Tourism in the South Wilts Business of the Year Awards.

·         The judging for Britain in Bloom was taking place that day, it was hoped that Salisbury would receive an award.


Laverstock and Ford Parish Council – David Law

The Riverbourne Community Farm had held its annual open day in June, where over 4,000 people had attended the free entry event. The farm continued to support free tours for school visits.


The Laverstock Family Fund Day was planned for Sunday 20 July, where entry would be free.


Police – Inspector Dave Minty

The Police had successfully now moved in to Bourne Hill and already there had been good partnership working between the Police and Wiltshire Council, with the Public Protection teams for both sitting alongside each other.


Issues had initially been raised regarding safety in the building, some degree of this had been a perceived threat, any actual threat had been looked at and solutions had been found to address this.


There would be no custody facilities or handling of sex offender registration at Bourne Hill.


It was recognised that the signage to the Police Station needed to be improved. Due to Bourne Hill being a listed building, the options for erecting any signage on the building were limited, so the use of A-boards was being considered.


Wiltshire Police was committed to having a custody suite in the south of the county. Until a purpose build suite was ready in Salisbury, the Melksham custody suite was now in use. The Chief Constable had committed funding to the Prisoner Transport team to enable the arresting Officers to be deployed back on to the street as soon as possible.


The Drink Free Zones around Salisbury were a useful tool, as they enabled Officers to approach people drinking alcohol in those zones and remove it from them.


The Police were working with partners in the Licensing team to address the problem of urination around the city, by implementing an £80 fine to those caught.


Comments and questions were then received, these included:

·         The alleyway from Brown Street Car Park, going through to Gigant Street was a prime spot for people to sit and drink all day. Answer: We will monitor this.

·         There was no visitor’s free parking at the College Street car park, for people who wished to hand items in to the police station. Answer: Inspector Minty agreed to feed this comment back.


Wiltshire Fire & Rescue – Mike Franklin

On 12 June 2014, the Wiltshire Fire Authority met and appointed a new Chairman, who took the decision to postpone the running period of the consultation on the Future of the Fire Service. The Consultation would now run from 21 July for 13 weeks.


The three  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.



Section 106

To note the attached information on the s106 money available within the Salisbury area and to receive information on the criteria for spending these funds.


Supporting documents:


The Chairman drew attention to the attached information on the s106 money available within the Salisbury area.


Steve Milton, acting Community Area Manager, circulated a paper and informed the Board that at present, the s106 money was available to SCC and Laverstock & Ford Parish Council to bid for funding towards schemes.


Advice suggested that if the Area Board had strong views on how to use the money, then it could work with the SCC in deciding which projects to fund.


The Chairman proposed that the Area Board met with the SCC to come to an agreement on how to use the funding.


Questions and comments were then received, these included:


·       Cllr Douglas asked whether the money could be used to mend pavements around the City.

·       It was requested that the list of s106 funds available be produced by ward area, so that it could be determined where the funds could be spent more easily.

·       The new development in Harnham received some s106 funding for a community building which was supposed to be built on the open green space area. Now that the residents have moved in they do not want a building built on the green. In situations like that, the building should have been built before the houses were occupied.

·       Although the money was set aside in Harnham for a community hall, it could now be used towards an outdoor pool.

·       The Board should sit down with SCC to establish what priorities they already have for the money.

·       SCC Cllr Sven Hocking explained that fifteen of the SCC Councillors were new to their positions and were not aware until recently what the section 106 money was, or that it was available to spend in their area. As the year goes on, the amount remaining in the pot would decrease as the Cllrs got to grips with the process.

·       The money from the Conquered Moon development in Bemerton Heath, had a 2015 expiry on its use, what would happen to the funds after that?

·       The criteria and restraints on the use of the s106 funding can be frustrating, sometimes we are told that we cannot implement a new scheme because it is too close to something else.



The Community Area Manager would meet with the SCC to discuss the possibility of working together to prioritise future schemes funded by the Section 106 budget.







Cumulative Impact Area (CIA) Consultation

To receive information on the proposed Cumulative Impact Area (CIA) for Salisbury.


A copy of the CIA report, considered by the Licensing Committee on 2 June 2014 is attached for information.


Officer: Naji Darwish, Head of Public Protection (Community Protection)


Supporting documents:


The Board noted the information included in the agenda on pages 63 – 74, and received a presentation from Naji Darwish, Head of Public Protection (Community Protection), on the proposed Cumulative Impact Area (CIA) for Salisbury.


The Chairman explained that following correspondence with local business owners and the Salisbury City Council (SCC), it had become apparent that there was some concern over the introduction of a CIA for Salisbury. There was also support for the current policy to remain in place as it was felt that it worked well for the City.


The CIA was an additional power brought forward by central government, which gave local authorities the option to impose a collective impact on city centres. Under the current licensing process every new application was considered on its own merits. The introduction of a CIA would enable Licensing Authorities to have more say about what goes into a city centre. Preserving what was already in place and only focussing on new applications.


At its meeting on 2 September 2013 the Licensing Committee resolved that “Further analysis of the available data and evidence in support of the adoption of a Special Policy for the Milford Street area of Salisbury needed to be carried out and a consultation process completed with all interested parties over a twelve week period”.


Comments and questions were then received, these included:


·         Amanda Newbery of Salisbury Business Improvement District (BID) explained that the BID had discussed the proposals for a CIA briefly at their last meeting; most of those in attendance were not in favour of taking it forward, adding that they had worked really hard to achieve the Purple Flag Status, they did not want to change the dynamics of the relationship.

·         What was the Purple Flag? Answer: The Purple Flag was an accreditation awarded to Towns and Cities which had achieved a high standard of evening and night time economy.

·         Local resident, Jane Woodhouse pointed out that in section 3.1 of the appendix to the report, stated that 74% of the 82 responses received during the public consultation were in support of the authority implementing a CIA in the city. Ms Woodhouse felt that those views had not been regarded, and asked whether there would be further consultation? Answer: The views of the residents were critically important.

·         As the decision had been delayed by six months, would the public still be able to feed in their views? Answer: Yes, the first step for further consultation was to come to the Board and present information and gain views, the next stage would include going out to stakeholders.

·         For some elderly residents living in the city, sleep was a requirement for health; they did not favour reducing the size of the CIA. Answer: Reducing the size of the proposed CIA area would be considered, along with any effects it may cause on the health of residents.

·         SCC Cllr Matthew Dean was a licensee outside of the proposed Salisbury CIA area. He was unambiguously  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.



Community Area Transport Group

To note the CATG report and schedule of schemes in progress, as attached to the agenda.

Supporting documents:


The Board noted the CATG report attached to the agenda at pages 75 – 82, and received an update from the Chairman of the CATG, Cllr Brian Dalton.


·       Discussion and prioritisation of 20 mph speed limits
CATG approved two schemes from the list for recommendation to the Area Board, these were:

a.     Shady Bower Road, Milford Mill Road and Manor Farm Road

b.     Lower Road and Church Lane, Bemerton;


The following scheme be held on a reserve list:

c.      Upper St, Lower St, Middle Street in Harnham


CATG noted that they would prefer it if the whole of the city could become a 20mph zone rather than just two schemes.


Cllr Douglas noted that there should be more funding available to CATG, and that the Board should support the request for the whole city to become a 20mph zone.


Cllr Moss asked whether funding could be spent on signage. Answer: The request could be considered, Cllr Moss was invited to the next CATG meeting to discuss the request.



The Salisbury Area Board agreed the recommendation for the two schemes for the 20mph speed limit review, as detailed in the report.






Air Quality Action Group

To receive an update on the outcomes of the last meeting, and to note the minutes of the last meeting of the Group held on Tuesday 1 July 2014, to be circulated at the meeting.


Cllr: Richard Clewer



Councillor Richard Clewer gave an update to the Board.


·       At the last meeting the Board had awarded funding to the AQA for tree planting. The Group had looked at areas around the city where this could take place, and Wilton Road had been proposed as it was the only area which exceeded the air quality requirements. Two possible sites were being looked at. The plan would be to plant beech trees as they were particularly efficient in reducing particle matter.

·       The Group had asked Officers to contact the Highways Agency regarding problems on the Wilton Road.

·       The Group was working on a series of initiatives; Steve and Margaret were in the process of putting these together and would report back to the next Board meeting.


Comments received:


·       You could consider asking people to donate money to plant a tree for remembrance reasons.



Community Area Grants

To consider 3 applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme for 2014/15, as detailed in the report attached to the agenda.



Salisbury Civic Society
Historic Open Days 



Wyndham Park Infants School
Somerset Rd Campus Hub





The Rotary Club of Salisbury

Rotary Spireworks




Supporting documents:


The Salisbury Area Board considered four applications for funding from the Community Area Grants Scheme for 2014/15. Three as detailed in the agenda pack and one additional grant as detailed in the circulated paper at the meeting, at the request of the Chairman.


The Chairman invited applicants present to speak in support of their application. Following discussion the board voted on each application in turn.



Salisbury Civic Society was awarded £275 (revenue) towards Historic open days.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2014/15.



Wyndham Park Infants School was awarded £4,950 (Capital) towards the Somerset Road Campus Hub.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2014/15.



The Rotary Club of Salisbury was awarded £2,784 (Capital) towards the Rotary Spireworks.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2014/15.


Councillor Rogers did not take part in the vote for the above application as he was part of a Charity which had recently received a grant from the applicant. He did not take part in the voting for this application.



Salisbury and South Wilts District Scouts Council was awarded £1,271.25 towards the Scout HQ Management Committee Car Park Project 2014.

Reason – The application met the Community Area Grants Criteria 2014/15.


A copy of the additional late report for the Scout application is attached to these minutes for information.




The date of the next meeting is Thursday 18 September 2014, 7pm at City Hall Salisbury.



The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting.


The next meeting of the Salisbury Area Board would be held on Thursday 18 September 2014.

