Agenda item

Area Board Funding

To consider seven applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme, as follows:


1.     Friends of Abberd Brook – seeking £1,414 towards an interpretation board at Doctors Pond.


2.     Wiltshire and Berkshire Canal Trust – seeking £596 to improve the footpath along the Marden Valley.


3.     Calne Environmental Network – seeking £720 towards creating and promoting a new community group to address environmental issues in the Calne community area.


4.     Derry Hill and Studley Safety Watch Association – seeking £1,104 towards traffic calming white gates at Studley/Derry Hill.


5.     Calne Area Transport – seeking £4,800 towards the design and production of a series of boards promoting safer cycling/pedestrian routes in the town.


6.     Calne Partnership of Churches – seeking £3,000 towards the hire of blue bus for youth drop in sessions.


7.     Calne Area Young People’s Issues Group (skate sub group) seeking £5,000 towards the extension and renovation of the Calne skate bowl.


The area board will also be asked to approve an area board project from the highways working group – seeking £11,970 towards construction of an extension to the footpath on the Lake View side of the A4 at Quemerford.  


Consideration was given to the seven applications made to the Community Area Grants Scheme.



Friends of Abberd Brook were awarded £1,414 towards an interpretation board at Doctors Pond, conditional upon the balance of funding being in place and relevant permissions granted.



The application meets the 2011/12 grant criteria and the group had made excellent progress in the local area.



Wiltshire and Berkshire Canal Trust were awarded £596 to improve the footpath along the Marden Valley.



The application meets the 2011/12 grant criteria and it would encourage a sense of community cohesion, pride and well being.



Calne Environmental Network were awarded £720 towards creating and promoting a new community group to address environmental issues in the Calne community area.



The application meets the 2011/12 grant criteria and the group would take a broad focus on environmental issues and engage with the community to promote awareness and action.  



Derry Hill and Studley Safety Watch Association were awarded £1,104 towards traffic calming white gates at Studley/Derry Hill.



The application meets the 2011/12 grant criteria and the project represented the local community taking action on an issue that had been a high priority for the Calne Area Board highways working group (CATG).



Calne Area Transport were awarded £4,800 towards the design and production of a series of boards promoting safer cycling/pedestrian routes in the town, conditional upon the balance of funding being in place, relevant permissions granted and the design being approved by the CATG working group.



The application meets the 2011/12 grant criteria and information on the boards could reflect findings of the longer term Calne Area Transport project to identify safer routes in the town.



Calne Partnership of Churches were not awarded £3,000 towards the hire of a blue bus for youth drop in sessions.



The application did not meet the 2011/12 grant criteria, as it represented provision of running costs for an existing project.  



Calne Area Young People’s Issues Group (skate sub group) were awarded £5,000 towards the extension and renovation of the Calne skate bowl.  



The application meets the 2011/12 grant criteria and the issue of the skate bowl was identified as significant for the area by the CAYPIG in 2010.



The area board awarded £11,970 towards a project from the highways working group to extend the footpath on the Lake View side of the A4 in Quemerford.


Councillor Marshall set out that as the area board had £1,441.83 remaining in the general budget and £805 from the youth budget, the monies would be put together to fund the youth projects that were unsuccessful earlier in the meeting.    



The Forum were awarded £1300 towards a ‘Careers Advice Book’ project. 



The Extended Schools Partnership were awarded £815 towards a ‘Wicked Wall’.

Supporting documents: