Agenda item

Partner Updates

To note the following written reports and online updates attached to the agenda:


a)    Wiltshire Police

b)    Dorset & Wiltshire Fire Service: Dorset & Wiltshire Fire Service | News & Incidents (

c)    Child Friendly Trowbridge

d)    Trowbridge Future

e)    Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives


Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives are encouraged to attend the meeting and provide an update on issues and successes arising in their respective areas.


The Area Board received updates from the following partners:


Wiltshire Police


A verbal update was provided by Inspector Andy Lemon alongside the written information provided within Agenda Supplement 1. The following was discussed:


·       The Trowbridge Crime Data for January to March 2024 was outlined as per the report, alongside data on Crime Exceptions, community engagement, local priorities, and local updates.

·       It was emphasised that although the figures show that theft offences had increased by 12.4% across the first quarter of 2024, this meant that reporting of these incidents had increased, thus allowing Wiltshire Police to see the extent of the ongoing issues in order to take appropriate action.

·       Members raised the multi-storey carpark in Trowbridge and the reported anti-social behaviour occurring in and around the building. Insp. Lemon highlighted that there was now a Community Support Officer that focussed on that area and that further enforcement was being considered. However, it was emphasised that the Police could only take action once such behaviour was witnessed by Officers. Furthermore, in response to queries about public safety, it was noted that higher fencing could be constructed around the roof of the building, however subsequent costs would need to be considered.

·       Insp. Lemon explained that there was a tangible link between the majority of the Theft from a Shop occurrences and that two male suspects had been charged for all offences identified to Police.

·       Other topics raised included the use of E-Scooters on main roads, carless key thefts, further Speed Enforcement Officers patrolling the network, and amending the working hours of Community Support Officers to include later shift patterns.


Child Friendly Trowbridge


Councillor Jo Trigg provided a brief verbal update in which Members were informed that the organisation was looking to build towards a Youth Forum event in 2025, therefore there were lots of engagement activities occurring in the meantime.


Trowbridge Future


Councillor Jo Trigg provided a brief verbal update in which it was noted that the organisation was very busy at the moment due to their relocation to The Shires shopping centre which allowed for higher levels of accessibility and collaboration with other partners, agencies and other organisations. Furthermore, it was highlighted that the organisation was seeing an increase in the level of older young people which was positive.


Town and Parish Council Nominated Representatives


Councillor Roger Evans on behalf of North Bradley Parish Council, provided a verbal update including the following matters:


·       Things are progressing with the Parish Council as normal, with 12 meetings scheduled per year.

·       The Parish Council are continuing to experience changes in Membership due to a Councillor leaving due to work commitments. As such, the Parish Council were in the process of finding a new Councillor.

·       Regarding the flooding in Yarnbrook, the Parish Council and the Baptist Church had come to an agreement to use the Church as an emergency hub. Furthermore, Councillors had met with a Wiltshire Council Drainage Officer and were now in the process of working with the Local Unitary Member, Councillor Horace Prickett, to contact the local landowners and farmers in the area with regard to gully clearing.

·       The North Bradley Neighbourhood Plan was progressing well, with Councillors meeting with Trowbridge Town Councillors and finalising the Terms of Reference before moving onto the next stage.


Councillor Ernie Clark on behalf of Hilperton Parish Council, informed Members that a new Clerk had been found, a review group had been formed for the Hilperton Neighbourhood Plan, and that the Hilperton Action Group were continuing to meet, with the next meeting being held at the Hilperton Village Hall during the following week.


Wiltshire Family Hubs


An update was provided on the Wiltshire Family Hubs which were noted as being launched in April 2024, with Family Navigators and Community Workers being recruited to assist with different outreach programmes to develop a stronger presence in the community.


Supporting documents: