Issue - meetings

Transformation Programme: Strategic Funding Opportunity - Football

Meeting: 19/03/2013 - Cabinet Capital Assets Committee (Item 79)

Transformation Programme: Strategic Funding Opportunity - Football

Report of the Corporate Director.


Supporting documents:


Cllr Stuart Wheeler, Cabinet Member for Transformation, Culture, Leisure and Libraries presented a confidential report which invited the Cabinet to support the allocation of funds to deliver an artificial turf pitch in the County. This would in turn contribute towards the wider strategic funding bid to the Football Association to deliver other complementary leisure facilities in the County as detailed in the report presented.




  1. That the Committee recommends the allocation of £800k Capital funding (£40k pa revenue impact in real terms after income is considered) to cover the provision of an artificial turf pitch in the County noting that this should only be developed if funds from the Football Association are forthcoming.


  1. That the Committee supports the allocation of existing funds in the transformation programme contingency to support the development of a Hockey biased artificial turf pitch in the County in lieu of any external funding being forthcoming, noting that external funding would still be sought by officers.