Issue - meetings

Partner Updates

Meeting: 31/08/2010 - Marlborough Area Board (Item 6)

6 Partner Updates

To note the attached updates and receive any further information partners wish to share:


  1. Wiltshire Police
  2. Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service
  3. NHS Wiltshire – an update on services at Savernake Hospital
  4. Town and Parish Councils
  5. Marlborough and Villages Community Area Partnership (MaVCAP)
  6. Marlborough Downs Movies (MDM).

Supporting documents:


Wiltshire Police


Acting Inspector Andy Noble – (Wiltshire Police) requested that the written update distributed with the agenda be noted.


It was also noted that that the policy of using the Face book website as a central access point for the Wiltshire Police monthly crime reports was proving unpopular with some members of the public, concerns were raised that not everybody had access to the internet, Acting Inspector Andy Noble advised that this was the most labour effective way of putting this information into the public domain.




Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service


Mike Franklin – (Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service) requested that the written update distributed with the agenda was noted.


A question was raised as to whether any future “Salamander” type projects would be run by the Fire & Rescue Service, Mike Franklin advised that funding for the Salamander project had now dried up, the Fire & Rescue Service however, were still actively visiting local schools promoting fire safety etc.




NHS Wiltshire


The written update distributed with the agenda was noted.


Points made from the floor:


  • That there were concerns about the way that the PCT were running their business as this may cause a knock on affect to adult social care funding.


  • When was it likely that more beds would be made available at Savernake Hospital.


  • The list of activities at Savernake Hospital, which was included in the update was very useful but it was felt it would have been helpful if this information had been made available at an earlier date. 





The Chairman advised that all concerns would be fed back to NHS Wiltshire.




That the Community Area Manager would write to NHS Wiltshire requesting answers to the questions raised at 31 August meeting.



Town or Parish updates


Marlborough Town council – that extra car parking had been made available on the Common to help people who worked in the town during the current period of traffic/road works issues.



There were no parish updates.




Marlborough and Villages Community Area Partnership (MaVCAP)


MaVCAP were attending parish meetings to bring MaVCAP to the communities.

From this there was need to look at cheap and cost effective traffic calming solutions. Broad Hinton,Froxfield,Ramsbury,Fyfield & West Overton,Ogbourne St George, Ogbourne St Andrew and Ramsbury PC meetings had been addressed with more to come,  this will result in a report to the area board.


The minutes of the last area board map out the key issues and proposed actions from the Wiltshire Local Development Framework Consultation results for the Marlborough Community Area.

MaVCAP with MADT is embarking on the consultation phase of the Marlborough Area Refresh Project for the next five years. The revised Area Plan would be the blueprint for the future of the area, MaVCAP intended to consult widely and provide to highly detailed aspirations for this community area.  MaDT Chairman Martin Cook outlined the six phases with consultation of the Area Board and community being the first and current phase.


MaVCAP would be producing a newsletter to summarize its view of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6