Issue - meetings

Community Area Grant Scheme

Meeting: 31/08/2010 - Marlborough Area Board (Item 9)

9 Funding

a.    Community Area Grant Scheme


The Wiltshire Councillors will consider three applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme 2010/11, as follows:


                    i.       Aldbourne Parish Council request £773 to upgrade a footpath to improve access for all to the play area and village green


                  ii.       Marlborough Apple Day Festival request £1,083 to raise awareness of local apple varieties and orchard habitats and to launch a Community Orchard


                 iii.       Ramsbury Allotment Association request £831 for the installation of a water pipe to the allotment.


Copies of the completed application forms and grant application packs for the Community Area Grants Scheme 2010/11 are available from the Community Area Manager or electronically at



b.    Performance Reward Grant Scheme


The Wiltshire Councillors will consider two bids to the Performance Reward Grant Scheme, as follows:


                    i.       An application has been received by all area boards from the Climate Change Team who wish to provide free energy monitors for loan at all of Wiltshire’s libraries to help households reduce their energy consumption and fuel costs.


                  ii.       An application has been received by all area boards from Councillor Chris Williams, entitled Wiltshire Voices. This project is a two year initiative which will challenge our Area Boards to develop new and innovative approaches to community engagement and empowerment, particularly focused on engaging with hard to reach and traditionally excluded groups.


                 iii.       To note the decision of the Performance Reward Grant Panel at their July meeting, concerning the Christmas lights application.

Supporting documents:


Community Area Grant Scheme


The Wiltshire Councillors considered three applications to the

 Community Area Grants Scheme 2010/11, as follows:


Cllr Chris Humphries hands the chair to Cllr Nick Fogg.




Aldbourne Parish Council was awarded £773 for the upgrading of a footpath to improve access for all to the play area and village green.




The above application met the Community Area Grant criteria for 2010/11 and improves local route networks for cyclists and pedestrians.



Cllr Chris Humphries now back in the chair.





Marlborough Apple Day Festival was awarded £709 to raise awareness of local apple varieties and orchard habitats and to launch a community orchard.



The above application met the Community Area Grant criteria for 2010/11, maintains and enhances the distinctive nature of the local country side.



Ramsbury Allotment Association was awarded £697 for the installation of a water pipe to the allotment, with the condition that all Ramsbury allotment holders contribute £5.00 per person towards the costs of the water pipe.




The above application met the Community Area Grant criteria for 2010/11and also contributes to the Council’s climate change agenda.




Performance Reward Grant Scheme


The Wiltshire Councillors considered two bids to the Performance Reward Grant Scheme, as follows:


i An application had been received by all area boards from the Climate Change Team who wished to provide free energy monitors for loan at all of Wiltshire’s libraries to help households reduce their energy consumption and fuel costs.




The Marlborough Area Board endorsed the Performance Reward Grant application from the Climate Change Team.


ii An application has been received by all area boards from Councillor Chris Williams, entitled Wiltshire Voices. This project is a two year initiative which will challenge our Area Boards to develop new and innovative approaches to community engagement and empowerment, particularly focused on engaging with hard to reach and traditionally excluded groups.



The Marlborough Area Board agreed to defer this bid until further information could be provided.

The Marlborough Area Board noted the decision of the Performance Reward Grant Panel at their July meeting, concerning the Christmas lights application and the panel’s decision not to approve the bid.