Issue - meetings

Partner Updates

Meeting: 09/09/2010 - Trowbridge Area Board (Item 5)

5 Partner Updates

To note the written reports and receive any updates from the following:


a.    Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG)

b.    Wiltshire Police

c.    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

d.    Trowbridge Community Area Future (TCAF)

e.    Trowbridge Town Council

f.     Parish Council Nominated Representatives.

Supporting documents:


The following partner updates were received:


a.    Community Area Young People’s Issues Group – meetings were to restart and the new school year would bring new faces to their meetings.


b.    Wiltshire Police – the written report was noted.  Inspector Dave Cullop added the following points:


·         anti-social behaviour figures were down 4% compared with the same period last year

·         a multi-agency approach was being considered to resolve outdoor drinking issues

·         improved ways of working with elected councillors for a safer Trowbridge were being investigated

·         police dogs and handlers had successfully been deployed in the town centre over a weekend resulting in some fines.


c.    Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service – the written report was noted.


d.    Trowbridge Community Area Future – the written report circulated at the meeting was noted.  Doug Ross made the following points:


·         cuts to the local transport budget led to concern over the planned town traffic infrastructure

·         67 shops in the town centre were currently vacant

·         the part night lighting scheme was to go forward to the parish council liaison group for consideration at their next meeting

·         little progress had been made regarding the primary care centre and it was hoped that this matter would come to a future area board meeting

·         the importance of the Trowbridge Vision’s role in the economic development of the town was stressed.

·         Cllr Jeff Osborn expressed disappointment that the Local Integrated Transport budget had been cut by £90,000 which would imperil the Transforming Trowbridge Project. Cllr Osborn requested that this issue be taken up with Cllr Dick Tonge, Cabinet member for Highways and Transport.



The general practitioners to be invited to the next area board meeting to consider the issues relating to the proposed primary care centre.


e.    Trowbridge Town Council – the written report circulated at the meeting was noted.  Lance Allan, town clerk, made the following points:


·         an overview of the report was given that contained updates about the carnival, Civic Centre, a response to the proposed closure of HM Court Service in Trowbridge, council tax referendum, traffic planning, leisure facilities review and health service

·         the town council had again been accredited as an Investor in People

·         Trowbridge in Bloom, backed by a grant from the area board had been successful.


Mr Allen responded to a question regarding the subsidies for sports apprenticeships in village primary schools.  The town council had failed in its bid to the Performance Reward Grant Scheme for funding for this scheme and was unable to include village schools in its sponsorship.  This item was to be included on the next Parish Council Liaison Group agenda.


f.     Parish Council Nominated Representatives – no reports were received.