Issue - meetings

Any Other Urgent Business, Evaluation and Forward Plan

Meeting: 09/09/2010 - Trowbridge Area Board (Item 13)

13 Any Other Urgent Business, Evaluation and Forward Plan

The Chairman will take any other items of urgent business.


The meeting is asked to note the future meeting dates below and is reminded to complete the evaluation forms in the packs.


7.00pm Thursday 18 November 2010, Wiltshire Council Offices, Bradley Road, Trowbridge


7.00pm Thursday 20 January 2011, Wiltshire Council Offices, Bradley Road, Trowbridge.


The Forward Plan is attached for information.

Supporting documents:


Agnieszka Klien-Buchalska asked how the Polish community could co-operate with the area board to help Polish migrant workers to become active citizens.  A meeting was arranged for 22 September between the Head of Equality and the Migrant Worker Take Part Group to focus on how joint work could be developed around active citizenship.



Mayur Bhatt, Head of Equality, to report on the meeting regarding Migrant Workers at next area board meeting on 20 January 2011.


The next two area board meeting dates and Forward Plan were noted.


The meeting gave an electronic evaluation via the voting handsets on the overall success of the meeting.