Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/09/2010 - Trowbridge Area Board (Item 14)

14 Allocation of Funding

The Wiltshire Councillors will consider 2 applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme 2010/11, as follows:


a.    Trowbridge Town Council request £319 for a bench at the registry office


b.    Trowbridge Rangers Football Club request £980 for start up costs to run a mixed ability football club.


Total requested = £1,299


Allocation of Grant Funding to date:


·         Trowbridge Amateur Swimming Club - £1,486 to fund a swimming gala and social events

·         Southwick Playing Field – £5,000 for the construction of a tarmac path around the playing field

·         Newtown School – £2,300 to upgrade changing facilities and provide temporary cover over the outdoor swimming pool

·         Newtown Area Residents Association – £930 to provide security lighting at Bond Street Buildings to increase community safety.

·         North Bradley Peace Memorial Hall – £993 for energy saving and security equipment

·         Friends of Trowbridge in Bloom – £5000 for a participatory programme of events

·         Hilperton Village Hall – £3253 to upgrade toilets to include fitting of disabled toilet.


To date, £18,962in Community Area Grants and £20,022 to Trowbridge Community Area Future have been awarded from the Area Board budget of £77,592.  £1,050 has been returned to the Area Board from an under spend in the grant to West Ashton Village Hall, plus a £257 community grants under spend (2009/10) has now been added.  This leaves a remainder of £39,915 for allocation.

Supporting documents:


The Wiltshire Councillors considered two applications to the Community Area Grants Scheme 2010/11, as follows:


Stefen Smith addressed the meeting on behalf of the Trowbridge Rangers Football Club.



The application from Trowbridge Town Council was deferred.


Further details were required to support the application.



Trowbridge Rangers Football Club was awarded £980 for start-up costs to run a mixed ability football club.


The application met the Community Area Grant Criteria 201/11 and demonstrated links to the Local Agreement for Wiltshire ambition ‘Building Resilient Communities’.