Issue - meetings

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Meeting: 25/11/2010 - Children's Services Select Committee (prior to 15 May 2012) (Item 119)

119 Minutes of the Previous Meeting

To confirm and sign the minutes of the Children’s Services Select Committee held on 23 September 2010 (copy attached).

Supporting documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed as a correct record with the following noted:


a)         Minute 105 – Chairman’s Announcements


Scrutiny of Budget and Performance


It was agreed that all future agendas would include a standing item providing an update on DCE’s budget and performance status. Budget and performance monitoring reports to Cabinet would be circulated in hard copy to all members of the Committee when published. Members were asked to submit any specific questions on these reports in advance of the Committee meeting wherever possible.


b)         Minute 107 – Coalition Proposals for Children’s Services and Education


Cllr Mary Douglas expressed concern that the Committee had not received the new Family & Parenting Support Commissioning Strategy, which it had requested at its previous meeting . It was reported that, following discussion with the Chairman, the Placements for LAC Task Group had received the Strategy instead, as this allowed scrutiny of the Strategy prior to final Cabinet approval. It was agreed that in future all Committee members would be notified if an item was to be considered by a Task Group instead of the full Committee.


c)         Minute 108 – 16-19 Learning – Update on Transfer of Responsibility from LSC to LA


            In September, the Committee agreed to submit a letter to the Secretary of State expressing the Committee’s concerns regarding funding arrangements for further education. Cllr Hubbard confirmed that he had met with the Head of School Improvement and would be meeting again after the meeting to finalise the letter. This would be circulated to all Committee members for comment prior to despatch.