Issue - meetings

Forward Work Programme

Meeting: 25/11/2010 - Children's Services Select Committee (prior to 15 May 2012) (Item 128)

128 Forward Work Programme

A copy of the Committee’s Forward Work Programme and Terms of Reference are attached for consideration.

Supporting documents:


Cllr Hawker requested that an item be added to a future agenda on the methodology used by the Council to calculate the demand for nursery places in Wiltshire (the Childcare Sufficiency Assessment).  


As agreed under Minute 119, items on budget and performance monitoring were to be added as a standing item on future agendas.  Hard copies of the Cabinet budget monitoring reports would be circulated to all Committee members when published.


Academies would be added as an agenda item for consideration in June 2011.




1)        To note the Forward Work Programme and Terms of Reference.


2)        To add the additional items agreed by the Committee for future consideration.