Issue - meetings

Members' Interests

Meeting: 17/02/2011 - Eastern Area Planning Committee (Item 3)

Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee.


E/10/0714/FUL - (i) Change of use from agriculture to private equestrian; (ii) Retention of new access/gates and access track (to be seeded with grass); (iii)  Erection of 2m cob type wall and 5 bar gate (to replace existing unauthorised close board fencing and gates); (iv) Erection of 6m high wind turbine; (v) Construction of horse walker; (vi) Retention of metal shipping container (in different position between barns); (vii) Removal of manure pit and associated bunding; (viii) Recladding of existing barn; (ix) New storage shed; (x) Relocation of existing close board gates to position of existing metal 5 bar gate adjacent to the Old Dairy - Yew Tree Farm, Wilsford, Pewsey, Wilts SN9 6HB.


Councillors Richard Gamble declared a personal interest in the item on account of his knowing the agent for the applicant, Mr Keith Bennett. As his familiarity with the individual could not be considered a close association, Cllr Gamble would be able to consider the above application without prejudice.