Issue - meetings

Declarations of Interest

Meeting: 16/03/2011 - Bradford on Avon Area Board (Item 3)

Declarations of Interest

Councillors are requested to declare any personal or prejudicial interests or dispensations granted by the Standards Committee


Agenda Item No.10i Community Area Grant – Bradford on Avon Town Council.

Cllr Malcolm Hewson – Prejudicial interest, member of Bradford on Avon Town Council, would leave the room when this application was discussed and voted on.


Agenda Item No.10iii Community Area Grant – Bradford on Avon Town Council/Bradford on Avon Development Trust/Climate Friendly Bradford.

Cllr Malcolm Hewson – Prejudicial interest, member of Bradford on Avon Town Council, would leave the room when this application was discussed and voted on.


Agenda Item No.11ii Performance Reward Grant – Bradford on Avon Town Council.

Cllr Malcolm Hewson – Prejudicial interest, member of Bradford on Avon Town Council, would leave the room when this application was discussed and voted on.