Issue - meetings

Chairman's Announcements

Meeting: 02/12/2010 - Stonehenge Area Board (Item 5)

5 Chairman's Announcements

a.    Flood protection

b.    Waste consultation results

Supporting documents:


a.            Flood Protection – The Chairman referred to the written information at page 17 of the agenda, and also gave a reminder regarding the Environment Agency Flood Workshop on 26 January in Chippenham.  Those interested in attending were asked to contact Karen Linaker, as it may be possible to hold an additional workshop in the south of the county.


b.            Waste Consultation Results – Documents detailing the results of the recent consultation on Waste and Recycling were available at the front desk.  A summary was set out at page 19 of the agenda.


c.            Bulford Bridge – The Chairman commented that the bridge had been reopened following the recent maintenance work.  Any businesses wishing to apply for a reduction in rates as a result of the bridge closure were asked to call the valuations office in Swindon on 01793 581400.


d.            Amesbury Market – The Chairman announced that the first Amesbury market had been held on 24 November; this would continue to take place every Wednesday.