Issue - meetings

(another main item)

Meeting: 02/12/2010 - Stonehenge Area Board (Item 9)

9 Dog Control Orders

To receive a presentation on the draft proposals to harmonise the service across the county.


Supporting documents:


Graham Steady, Principal Environmental Health Officer, gave a presentation on draft proposals to harmonise the arrangements for Dog Control Orders across Wiltshire.


Dog Control Orders allowed local authorities to agree certain local rules in relation to prohibiting access by dogs to certain public areas, or requiring owners to clean up after a dog had fouled.  The orders had previously been agreed and managed by District Councils and so Wiltshire Council was currently operating four different systems.  It was proposed that this be harmonised into one consistent set of rules, which would balance the needs and aspirations of dog owners and non dog owners.


It was proposed to make a generic order across most public areas in the County requiring dog owners to clean up after their dog had fouled.  Another generic order was proposed, excluding dogs from enclosed children’s play areas, plus land covered by existing orders.  One further existing order would be confirmed, requiring dogs to be kept on a lead at a specific location. 


These draft proposals were subject to consultation up to 7 February and those present at the meeting were invited to submit any comments in writing. 


The Chairman thanked Graham for the presentation and invited questions and comments from the floor:


  • Graham clarified that the final proposals would have to be subject to a statutory 28-day period of consultation, with legal requirements regarding publicity in local papers etc.  However, this earlier consultation was to allow a longer, more flexible discussion on the draft proposals.


  • In response to a question, Graham explained that the control orders should not apply to roads with speeds of above 50mph, as this could present a safety issue with owners being potentially required to clear dog mess from gutters of fast roads.


  • Reference was made to the impact of dogs on farmland, and the need for dogs to be kept under close control. 


  • Graham confirmed that the existing controls as originally established by the former Salisbury District Council, would continue to operate until any new orders came into effect.


  • These proposed orders did not relate to the collection of stray dogs, although this was managed from the same team within Wiltshire Council. 


  • Councillor Jane Scott, Leader of the Council, commented that these proposals would support Town and Parish Councils in their work to address dog fouling.  As the consultation period covered December, when some Parish Councils did not meet, it was confirmed that late comments would be accepted.