Issue - meetings

Partner Updates

Meeting: 01/12/2010 - Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board (Item 6)

6 Partner Updates

To note the written reports and receive any verbal updates from the following:


        i.            Wiltshire Police

      ii.            Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

    iii.            NHS Wiltshire

     iv.            Parish and Town Councils

       v.            Community Area Young People’s Issues Group (CAYPIG)

     vi.            Chambers of Commerce

   vii.            Westlea Housing Association

 viii.            Community Groups

     ix.            Outside Bodies.

Supporting documents:


Updates from partners were received as follows:


      i.        Wiltshire Police

A written update was circulated. Inspector Steve Cox reported that the period since the last Area Board meeting had been relatively quiet, with no reported incidents of anti-social behaviour over the Halloween and bonfire night period. Inspector Cox also commented on the proposals by the Wiltshire Police Authority to save £15 million and confirmed that the loss of 150 police officers alluded to in the report would not include front-line police officers. He wished to reassure people that the police stations and front-line policing would not be affected. Finally, in response to concern raised, Inspector Cox did confirm that a few burglaries had taken place recently in the area, but the police had evidence that linked the burglaries to a believed offender.


    ii.        Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

The written report was noted. Mike Franklin of Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service highlighted the level of preventative work that was being done, with 67 home fire safety checks being carried out recently in the Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Community Area. The home fire safety checks were offered for free and anybody interested could complete the referral cards or contact the Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service.


   iii.        NHS Wiltshire

The written report was noted.


   iv.        Parish and Town Councils

Written reports were received and noted from Cricklade and Wootton Bassett Town Councils, and Purton Parish Council.


Councillor Jacqui Lay raised the following three points on behalf of Purton Parish Council:


1.    It was good to see the Crosslanes transport scheme in the officer’s report as a priority scheme.

2.    An item had been seen in the parish news concerning community planning, and the need for parish councils to submit the relevant information to the Spatial Planning team.

3.    The waste consultation appeared to have a low number of people responding to it, with only 2% of the population of Wiltshire having responded.


Following the latter of the above points, a discussion took place regarding the number of consultations that the Council undertook and the difficulty that some people have to understand and respond to them. The Chairman took a poll to determine whether people felt they had ‘consultation fatigue’ to which approximately 50% of those who voted felt they did, and 50% felt they didn’t.


In response to the point raised about Community Planning, Councillor Colmer enquired how Community Plans corresponded with wider plans for Wiltshire, and how they were viewed and used by Planning Officers. Councillor Colmer asked for a written response to be provided.


    v.        Community Area Young Peoples’ Issues Group (CAYPIG)

Saxone Barton, Youth Development Coordinator, announced that the CAYPIG had been considering proposals for the youth transport funding, and it was hoped that a final proposal would be brought to the meeting on 2 February 2011 for the Area Board’s consideration.


   vi.        Chambers of Commerce

There was no update.


 vii.        Westlea Housing Association

There was no update.


viii.        Community Groups

There were no updates.


   ix.        Outside Bodies

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