Issue - meetings

Visiting Cabinet Representative

Meeting: 01/12/2010 - Royal Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board (Item 9)

Visiting Cabinet Representative

Councillor John Thomson (Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for Adult Care, Communities and Libraries) will give a brief outline about the major challenges facing the Council, and respond to any questions.


The Chairman introduced Councillor John Thomson, Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Adult Care, Communities and Libraries, and invited questions from the floor.


A question arose regarding the Council’s decision to withdraw funding for parish and town councils to provide local information points, without consultation. Councillor Allison Bucknell, as the portfolio holder for Customer Care, advised that notice of this was given to the relevant councils 12 months ago. The reason for the withdrawal of funding was to align services across the county, and also because the Council was currently reviewing the way it delivered face to face services to its customers.


In response to a comment regarding care for older people, Councillor Thomson commented on the Council’s investments to support older people in their own homes. Plans were also being considered to bring social care, health services and housing services together.


Councillor Thomson also commented on the recent Comprehensive Spending Review announcement, and the pressures upon the Council to find savings over the next four years to cope with the 28% reduction in Government grant funding. The Council was currently pursuing many options to achieve the savings, including a management review, decreasing the amount of offices to four main hubs, and potentially delaying some of the planned investments. The Council was, however, in a good position to meet the challenged it faced.