Issue - meetings

Southern Area Planning Committee 18-11-10 - Item 5

Meeting: 18/11/2010 - Southern Area Planning Committee (Item 120)

120 S/2010/0451 - Plot Opposite 7 School Hill,School Hill/Folly Lane,Alderbury

Supporting documents:


Mr Henry Wilkinson spoke in objection to the application


Mr Martin Smith, the agent spoke in support of the application


Mr Paul Barnfield, representing Alderbury Parish Council spoke in objection to the application


With the Chairman’s agreement, this application was considered together with the associated application for demolition of an existing nursery building on the site referred to at minute number 104f below.


The Planning Officer introduced the report which recommended approval


Following a debate about the design, scale and mass of the proposed building, its relationship with the surrounding listed buildings, and the nature of the access to the site, it was:




To refuse the application for the following reasons:


1.      The site is located in open countryside within a Special Landscape Area and outside of the Housing Policy Boundary of Alderbury, as defined in the adopted Salisbury District Local Plan. It is also in a sensitive location by virtue of being located in the Alderbury Conservation Area close to and within the setting of a number of residential Grade II Listed Buildings. The single-storey building on the site was formerly occupied by the Alderbury Nursery School which has now transferred to a site adjacent to Alderbury Primary School

The site may be considered to be previously developed land as defined by PPS3 and consideration had been given to any benefit from the removal of the current use and buildings on the site. Notwithstanding, this is outweighed by the harm caused by a combination of the size, bulk and design of the proposed new development, which would have a detrimental impact on the setting of the surrounding listed buildings, would fail to preserve or enhance the character of the Alderbury Conservation Area and would have an adverse effect on the quality of local landscape. As such the proposal is considered to be contrary to policies C6, D2, CN5 and CN8 of the Salisbury District Local Plan and national guidance as expressed in PPS1, PPS3 and PPS5.


2.      The proposed residential development is considered by the Local Planning Authority to be contrary to Policy R2 of the Adopted Replacement Salisbury District Local Plan as appropriate provision towards public recreational open space has not been made.




It should be noted that the reason given above relating to Policy R2 of the Adopted Replacement Salisbury District Local Plan could be overcome if all the relevant parties agree to enter into a Section 106 legal agreement or if appropriate by condition, in accordance with the standard requirement for recreational public open space.