Issue - meetings

South West UK Brussels Office - TUPE transfer of Wiltshire Council employees

Meeting: 19/04/2011 - Cabinet (Item 55)

55 South West UK Brussels Office - TUPE transfer of Wiltshire Council employees

Report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood and Planning is circulated

Supporting documents:


The Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Planning and Housing presented the report and explained the background to the report sought approval to undertake further consultation with staff and trade union representatives leading to the TUPE transfer of staff from Wiltshire Council to the new company established to take on the work of the South West UK Brussels Office


Cabinet members asked for clarification regarding the governance of the new company and it was explained that an advisory group would be set up of which Wiltshire Council would be a member.




That Cabinet:


(i)            Agrees further consultation with staff and trade union representatives and due diligence leading to the TUPE transfer of staff from Wiltshire Council to the new South West UK European Partnership Company.


(ii)          Delegates authority to the Service Director Economy and Enterprise to progress and conclude the transfer of the Council’s employees as required. 



Reason for the decision


(i)            The South West UK Brussels Office has been viable in its current form owing to 50% funding being made available by the South West Regional Development Agency (SWRDA) which was withdrawn from 31 March 2011.   A new model has therefore been developed to enable the service to continue in the absence of such funding.

(ii)          Further due diligence and consultation with staff and trade unions in respect of the TUPE transfer of staff to the new company will help to reassure Wiltshire Council that any risks to either the Council or its staff have been minimised and to help identify those staff that are willing to be transferred.  Wiltshire Council’s Constitution requires Cabinet to approve the transfer of Wiltshire Council employees to other Councils or organisations.