Issue - meetings

Plymouth Brethren School, Tisbury

Meeting: 19/04/2011 - Cabinet Capital Assets Committee (Item 35)

Purchase of the Former Tisbury Nadder Middle School Site from Thistledown Trust (Plymouth Brethren)

Report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood and Planning.

Supporting documents:


The Cabinet Member, Resources, introduced the report and outlined the key issues as follows:


·         Site is available through a buy-back clause, which it is recommended the Council utilise;

·         Local pattern of public sector land use is conducive to occupation by Wiltshire Council;

·         Purchase of site is supported in principle by the Community Area Board;

·         Authority also has right to refusal on site valuation provided, and therefore the site may be available at below open market value; and therefore,

·         Approval sought to commence negotiations for the acquisition of the site, with any further progression in terms of development requiring full Cabinet approval at a later date.


After discussion by the Cabinet Committee, it was,




That, as part of the wider Campus and Operational Delivery Programme, authority to negotiate and complete the purchase of the former Tisbury Nadder Middle School is delegated to the Corporate Director, Resources, so that the property may form part of the development of a Tisbury campus as requested by the Chair of the Area Board.