Issue - meetings

Public participation

Meeting: 01/03/2010 - Chippenham and Villages Area Board (Item 5)

5 Chairman's Announcements

Supporting documents:


a)    Consultation on the Review of Special Educational Needs Provision


The Chairman described how over recent months Wiltshire Council officers had worked with schools, parent representatives and other people to review Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision in the county.


The review considered:


·      special school provision

·      specialist provision that was part of mainstream primary and secondary schools and

·      SEN support services for schools.


A document had been written that set out what the review had shown and what the Council would like to do in the future. This was now to be shared with a wide range of people who were invited to respond on what they thought about what the Council’s proposals.  As soon as the document was available it would be circulated to Parish Councils, through the Area Boards network, and it would be available on the Wiltshire Council website.


There was also an opportunity to meet with officers to discuss the proposals at Sheldon School, Chippenham on Wednesday 21st April at 7pm


The closing date for the consultation was 12 noon Monday 24 May 2010.  Additional information was included in the agenda pack on page 15.


b)    Wiltshire Community Safety Partnership Consultation


The Chairman described how Wiltshire Council was currently consulting on two very important draft strategies: Anti-Social Behaviour and Violence Reduction.  The strategies identified the main themes for future work and established a base from which to develop a detailed implementation plan. The consultation would run until the end of March 2010.


c)    Health Fair and Workshop


Unfortunately, due to staff shortages, NHS Wiltshire had postponed the event due to be held last Friday at the Town Hall.  The rescheduled date would be publicised as soon as it was received.


d)    Consultation on Gypsy and Traveller Sites


Wiltshire Council was preparing a strategy to identify possible land for gypsy and traveller sites including a policy for assessing the suitability of other sites the Council was asked to consider through the planning application process.


The council had a responsibility to plan for the housing needs of everyone in the Wiltshire community including planning for the accommodation needs of gypsies, travellers and travelling show people.


The number of gypsies and travellers in Wiltshire had increased in recent years and a consequence of not addressing this growing accommodation need could be increased tension between the settled and travelling community and discrimination towards the gypsy and traveller community.


An eight week consultation on the issues and general approach to identifying land for sites was to start on Tuesday 6 April until 5pm on Friday 4 June 2010. This was the first stage in the process of preparing a Gypsy & Traveller Site Allocations Development Plan Document.


The purpose of the consultation was to:


·         discuss the issues around providing new sites

·         develop a method for assessing what is a good location for new sites and

·         Invite land to be put forward to be considered as possible new sites.


All information relating to the consultation would be available from the end of March on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5