Issue - meetings

Section 75 Agreement for an Integrated Health and Social Care Service for Mental Health

Meeting: 26/01/2010 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Section 75 Agreement for an Integrated Health and Social Care Service for Mental Health

Report of the Director of Community Services is circulated.

Supporting documents:


Councillor Thomson, Cabinet member for Community Services presented a report which sought approval to put in place a Section 75 Agreement under the Health and Social Care Flexibilities provision with the Avon and Wiltshire Partnership Trust for Mental Health.


Section 75 Agreements are the legal mechanism through which health and social care agencies are able to devolve their responsibilities to another agency and performance manage the process from a distance through a contract and governance framework. The intention was for the Agreements to commence on 1 February 2010 for a period of 3 years subject to a termination clause for both parties.




That Cabinet approve and support the signing of the Section 75 Agreement with the Avon and Wiltshire Partnership Trust for Mental Health for:


a)         an integrated assessment and care management service; and


b)        the provision of the management to the approval mental health professional provision under the Mental Health legislation to meet the statutory responsibilities of the Council


on terms to be agreed by the Director of Community Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Community Services and the Solicitor to the Council.


Reason for Decision


The Agreement covers the provision of a specialist mental health service to those individuals with the most serious and enduring mental health needs, their carers and families.  All national evidence and guidance leads us to believe that this service is most effectively provided through an integrated health and social care partnership.  Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust is the chosen provider for the health provision by our Primary Care Trust partners so needs to be our chosen partner also.