Issue - meetings

Response to proposals from Salisbury City Council presented to Wiltshire Council 26 July 2011

Meeting: 18/10/2011 - Cabinet (Item 140)

140 Response to proposals from Salisbury City Council presented to Wiltshire Council 26 July 2011

Report of the Corporate Director – Operations is circulated


Supporting documents:


Public Participation


Mr Reg Williams, Clerk to Salisbury Council and Mr Andrew Roberts, Salisbury City Council Councillor addressed Cabinet on this item and urged Cabinet support of the City Council’s proposals.


Cllr Dick Tonge, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport presented a report which asked Cabinet to consider its formal response to the five proposals submitted by Salisbury City Council to this Council on 26 July 2011 (with the exception of on and off street car parking prices which would be part of the full review of car parking charges by Council on 8 November 2011) details of which were presented.


Cllr Tonge guided members through the report and responded to questions raised.  He went through the 5 proposals in turn recommending a course of action agreed by Cabinet as detailed in the resolution below.




That Cabinet agrees the proposed responses to the proposals from Salisbury City Council as follows:


Proposal 1 – Re-introduction of a one hour charge.

None, as this has been by Cabinet at its special meeting held on 19 August 2011 where it was resolved  to reintroduce the one hour charge.


Proposal 2 – One hour charge

To note that this would be considered by Council at its meeting on 8 November 2011.


Proposal 3 – Covenant on Lush House and Southampton Road Car Parks

That given the re-introduction of the one hour charge if the City Council wished to continue a discussion on this matter, Wiltshire Council officers would meet with the City Council and put any recommendations to the Cabinet for approval. That the Solicitor to the Council be requested to consider the legal issues raised during the meeting by representatives of Salisbury City Council.


Proposal 4 – Park and Ride Extended Hours

That no changes are made to Park and Ride opening times unless the City Council can provide evidence that the additional usage would cover the additional costs or alternatively this could be funded locally.


Proposal 5 – Sunday and Bank Holiday Charges

To note that this would be considered by Council at its meeting on 8 November 2011.


Reason for Decision


To respond formally to proposals presented to the Council by Salisbury City Council with the exception of on and off street car parking prices which would be part of the full review by Council on 8 November 2011.